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Iannuzzi, S.


Susan Iannuzzi

je uznávaná medzinárodná konzultantka vo vyučovaní anglického jazyka a autorka obľúbených kurzov anglického jazyka, ako Little Friends, First Friends (2009), First Friends 2nd Edition, American First Friends, Look Up, Heads Up, Grammar Sense, spoluautorka Achieve a množstva ďalších publikácii.


Jej metodika a didaktický prístup sú veľmi obľúbené a ponúkajú možnosť veľkých progresov vo vyučovaní anglického jazyka.


Susan Iannuzzi žije v Pittsburgh-u, v Pennsylvánii.

Knihy od: Iannuzzi, S.

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
American First Friends 1 Teacher's Book (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 1 Teacher's Book
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
14,75 €
American First Friends 2 Activity Book (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 2 Activity Book
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,83 €
American First Friends 2 Class CD (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 2 Class CD
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
10,86 €
American First Friends 2 Flashcards (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 2 Flashcards
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
8,99 €
American First Friends 2 iTools (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 2 iTools
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
51,62 €
American First Friends 2 Student Book + Activity Book + CD (part A) (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 2 Student Book + Activity Book + CD (part A)
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
13,02 €
American First Friends 2 Student Book + Activity Book + CD (part B) (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 2 Student Book + Activity Book + CD (part B)
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
13,02 €
American First Friends 2 Student Book + CD (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 2 Student Book + CD
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
14,24 €
American First Friends 2 Teacher's Book (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 2 Teacher's Book
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
14,75 €
American First Friends 3 Activity Book (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 3 Activity Book
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,83 €
American First Friends 3 Class CD (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 3 Class CD
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
10,86 €
American First Friends 3 Flashcards (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 3 Flashcards
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
8,99 €
American First Friends 3 iTools (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 3 iTools
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
51,62 €
American First Friends 3 Student Book + Activity Book + CD (part A) (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 3 Student Book + Activity Book + CD (part A)
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
13,02 €
American First Friends 3 Student Book + Activity Book + CD (part B) (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 3 Student Book + Activity Book + CD (part B)
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
13,02 €
American First Friends 3 Student Book + CD (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 3 Student Book + CD
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
14,24 €
American First Friends 3 Teacher's Book (Iannuzzi, S.)
American First Friends 3 Teacher's Book
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
The Student Audio CD with songs, stories and chants - to practise at home The Student Book/Work Book is full of lively illustrations and photographs to engage students with pencil and paper practice material alongside, which can be used as homework activities. There is an overview page detailing the scope...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
14,75 €
Little Friends Course Book (Iannuzzi, S.)
Little Friends Course Book
Iannuzzi, S. | Oxford University Press (2010)
Little Friends is a course for very young children who do not read or write. It develops vocabulary, introduces phonics, and teaches numbers.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
8,43 €
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