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Knihy od: Hergé

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
Tintin 6 - Ulomené ucho (Hergé)
Tintin 6 - Ulomené ucho
Hergé | ALBATROS (2006) CS jazyk
Odvážný reportér Tintin tentokrát míří do Jižní Ameriky, aby hledal indiánskou modlu, která byla ukradena z etnografického muzea. Po modle ovšem pátrá i banda zlodějů a ta se snaží za každou cestu Tintina zbavit. Tintin ani zloději však nevědí, že modla skrývá překvapivé tajemství.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
5,43 €
Faraonovy doutníky (Hergé)
Faraonovy doutníky
Hergé | ALBATROS nakladatelství, a.s., právní ná (2004) CS jazyk
Tintin je odvážný reportér, který se svým psem Filutou zažívá ta nejbláznivější a nejneuvěřitelnější dobrodružství na všech světadílech. V tomto příběhu podniká Tintin výpravu na Dálný východ. Během cesty je však obviněn z pašování opia a rázem se zaplétá do neuvěřitelného sledu náhod, při němž odhalí mocný gang pašeráků drog....
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
5,64 €
Modrý lotos (Hergé)
Modrý lotos
Hergé | ALBATROS nakladatelství, a.s., právní ná (2004) CS jazyk
Dobrodružství odvážného reportéra Tintina, které začalo v příběhu Faraonovy doutníky, se blíží do finále. Tintin cestuje na Dálný východ, aby zde konečně odhalil bandu pašeráků, která mu po celou cestu usiluje o život.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
5,64 €
Tintin v Americe (Hergé)
Tintin v Americe
Hergé | ALBATROS nakladatelství, a.s., právní ná (2004) CS jazyk
Tintin je odvážný reportér, který se svým psem Filutou zažívá ta nejbláznivější a nejneuvěřitelnější dobrodružství na všech světadílech. V příběhu z Ameriky Tintin během prohibice ve 30. letech minulého století sám zatočí s bandou gangsterů a bojuje s nepřátelsky naladěnými indiány.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
5,64 €
Adventures of Tintin: Black Island (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Black Island
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
Tintin travels to Great Britain, where he is in danger from the moment he arrives. He encounters the Thom(p)sons, who are on the trail of a gang of counterfeiters operating from an island off the coast of Scotland. Will Tintin avoid being caught by the wild beast which is said...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Blue Lotus (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Blue Lotus
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
While Tintin is in India he gets drawn into a dangerous mystery revolving around a madness-inducing poison. The little reporter travels to the source of the poison, Shanghai, where he sets to work unraveling a nefarious web of opium traffickers. But can he outwit the crooks who are out to...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Broken Ear (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Broken Ear
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
A mysterious statue-created by a fierce South American Indian tribe-has disappeared, and Tintin sets out to find it... but he's not the only one! Teeming with conspiracies and bomb plots the story also sees Tintin go on a tropical adventure, which leads him to hidden native civilizations and long-lost explorers!
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Calculus Affair (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Calculus Affair
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
Professor Calculus has invented a machine capable of destroying objects with sound waves. It has already come to the attention of the Bordurian secret services, who will stop at nothing to steal it. When their plans are foiled, they simply kidnap the Professor and take him to Borduria!
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Castafiore Emerald (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Castafiore Emerald
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
The story revolves around a number of supposed thefts and a missing emerald. The opera singer Bianca Castafiore invites herself to stay at Marlinspike Hall, causing Captain Haddock to panic and have an accident the prevents him from escaping!
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Cigars of the Pharoah (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Cigars of the Pharoah
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
Tintin sets off across Egypt and India, on the hunt for an Egyptologist and a mysterious ancient pharaoh. On the way the brave reporter makes friends with elephants, narrowly avoids falling victim to the poison of madness and saves a maharajah from a killer tiger... pure excitement from start to...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Crab with the Golden Claws (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Crab with the Golden Claws
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
Tintin and Snowy stumble upon a police investigation under way in Brussels. They set off on an adventure to the exotic country of Morocco, hot on the trail of a gang of opium smugglers. During his travels Tintin meets Captain Haddock, a troublesome sailor who turns out to be a...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Destination Moon (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Destination Moon
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
Professor Calculus is working on a top-secret project in a state-of-the-art secure government facility. He is working to build a rocket that will transport human beings to the Moon. But who will he take with him on this historic journey? Tintin, Captain Haddock and Snowy of course!
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Explores on the Moon (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Explores on the Moon
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
Despite the meticulous pre-launch planning, there are two extra passengers on board the Moon rocket. The result of the extra people on board is a shortage of oxygen: supplies have only been calculated for four people and a dog! Will the heroes manage to make it through this adventure in...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Flight 714 (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Flight 714
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
Tintin, Captain Haddock and Professor Calculus are on their way to Sydney, Australia. Through a chance meeting they are invited to travel on board the private jet of billionaire Lazlo Carreidas. But then they fall victim to a plot to kidnap Carreidas and are captured by Tintin's arch enemy Rastapopoulos.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: King Ottokar Sceptre (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: King Ottokar Sceptre
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
Tintin travels to the Kingdom of Syldavia. His investigations lead him to uncover a plot aimed at dethroning King Muskar XII, the ruler of Syldavia. The plotters are working for Borduria, a neighboring country determined to annex Syldavia. Will Tintin triumph over the bad guys?
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Land of Black Gold (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Land of Black Gold
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
War is looming in Europe and all over the World. Oil supplies have been sabotaged by crooks. Tintin sets off for the Middle East. There he hopes to unmask those responsible for the plot, and the leader turns out to be none other than Doctor Müller, an old adversary from...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Prisoner of the Sun (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Prisoner of the Sun
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
Tintin and his trusty companions Captain Haddock and Snowy, travel to Peru to rescue Professor Calculus. With the help of a young local named Zorrino, the team follow Calculus's trail over snow-capped mountains, dodging the dangers of the Amazon rainforest before managing to find the Temple of the Sun.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Red Sea Sharks (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Red Sea Sharks
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
Tintin finds himself on the trail of international arms dealers. He tracks down a man smuggling military aircraft; the crook turns out to be Dawson, the corrupt ex-police chief who used to be responsible for the International Concession in Shanghai (see The Blue Lotus). But there are more surprises to...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Secret of the Unicorn
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
At a market Tintin stumbles across a model ship and buys it as a gift for his friend Captain Haddock. Strange events begin to unfold. Tintin's flat is ransacked and a mysterious collector seems determined to buy the model ship, which turns out to contain a clue to a long...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Seven Chrystal Balls (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Seven Chrystal Balls
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
A team of European archaeologists and scientists return from Peru with the mummy of Inca Rascar Capac. But then, one by one, the members of the expedition are struck down by a mysterious illness. Shards of crystal are found beside each victim. Will Tintin crack the case before it's too...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Shooting Star (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Shooting Star
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
When an asteroid narrowly misses crashing into the Earth, a piece of the rock plummets into the Arctic Ocean. Two expeditions are set out to find the meteorite. Tintin and Snowy set off on board the Aurora, with Captain Haddock at the helm. The race is on!
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Tintin in America (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Tintin in America
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
Tintin travels to Chicago to clean up the city of criminals. Narrowly escaping death at the hands of Al Capone's henchmen, Tintin battles crooks and skillfully escapes from traps. As the adventure continues the reporter witnesses the chaotic runaway success of the American oil industry and big business.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
Adventures of Tintin: Tintin in Tibet (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Tintin in Tibet
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
Tintin learns that his friend Chang has been involved in a plane crash, and that there were no survivors. But some powerful and vivid dreams convince Tintin that his friend is still alive. Tintin sets off to rescue Chang. On this adventure Tintin is accompanied as always by his faithful...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
8,37 €
Adventures of Tintin: Titnin and Picaros (Hergé)
Adventures of Tintin: Titnin and Picaros
Hergé | Egmont (2002)
Bianca Castafiore travels to San Theodoros to give a concert. She is arrested by General Tapioca's authorities on a trumped up charge. Tintin, Haddock and Calculus are determined to rescue their friend and along the way, they end up helping General Alcazar plan a coup to snatch power back from...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,59 €
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