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Fiona Watt

Knihy od: Fiona Watt

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
Rubber Stamp Activities Animals (Fiona Watt)
Rubber Stamp Activities Animals
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing (2018) EN jazyk
This colourful activity book is bursting with fun ideas for rubberstamping animals from kangaroos and leopards to giraffes, squirrels and hedgehogs. The book comes with six colourful inkpads and circle, triangle, square and petal shaped rubber stamps. There are lots of hints and tips and the book has a spiral...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
12,23 €
Thats not my puppy (Special 20th anniversary edition) (Fiona Watt)
Thats not my puppy (Special 20th anniversary edition)
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing (2018) EN jazyk
A sparkly special edition of the very first That's not my... book to celebrate 20 years of That's not my... books! Babies and toddlers will love touching the textured patches as they meet puppies with fluffy tails, shaggy ears and bumpy paws.The bright pictures and textures to stroke are designed...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
7,84 €
Rubber Stamp Activities (Fiona Watt)
Rubber Stamp Activities
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing (2017) EN jazyk
A book and rubber stamp set, with six colourful ink pads.   The book is bursting with ideas for making pictures with the circles, triangles, squares and petal shapes on the stamps. Step-by-step instructions show how to make animals, robots, a princess's ball gown and a castle and there's lots of space...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
12,23 €
Fingerprint Activities (Fiona Watt)
Fingerprint Activities
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing (2015) EN jazyk
This finger-printing book includes simple, step-by-step instructions for lots of pictures and scenes to create using only fingerprints, and a multi-coloured ink pad is attached to the side of the book, so no extra materials are required. Encourages creativity and manual dexterity.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
8,60 €
Fingerprint Activities: Animals (Fiona Watt)
Fingerprint Activities: Animals
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing (2016) EN jazyk
This book, with its own brightly coloured inkpad of seven colours, is bursting with ideas for fingerprinting animals from hedgehogs to crocodiles and koalas. Each page has step by step instructions, pictures to complete and lots of space for fingerprinting. With a spiral binding so the book lies flat to...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
10,21 €
1000 letných nálepiek (Fiona Watt)
1000 letných nálepiek
Fiona Watt | Svojtka & Co. vydavateľstvo s.r.o (2015) SK jazyk
Nalep si tieto neodoľatelné nálepky do scén v knižke alebo si z nich vyrob vlastné pohľadnice a obrázky.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
7,25 €
Baby´s Very First Musical Play Book (Fiona Watt)
Baby´s Very First Musical Play Book
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2015) EN jazyk
A wonderful, colourful, musical touchy-feely book that will delight babies of all ages. A range of gentle musical sounds relate to the simple pictures on each page. Babies will love the touchy-feely patches of the jungle, under the sea and outer space. Delightful to share, this book will engage even...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
20,70 €
Slide and See Farm (Fiona Watt)
Slide and See Farm
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2015) EN jazyk
An engaging, interactive board book, specially designed for very young children, full of vivid colours, stylish illustrations and friendly farm animals.   Simple slider mechanisms allow the pictures to be transformed, as a monkey swings through the trees, a fish changes its spots and more.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
12,38 €
Wind-Up Ladybird (Fiona Watt)
Wind-Up Ladybird
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2015)
Wind up the ladybird toy, place it on the tracks embedded on each page and watch the busy bug as it trundles off around the garden, passing flowers, vegetables, and other garden insects including bees and butterflies. With a very simple story, pluts lots of things to spot and talk...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
23,01 €
Wind-Up Train (Fiona Watt)
Wind-Up Train
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2014) EN jazyk
A toy and a book in one, this large, chunky board book comes with a wind-up toy steam train.   Wind the train up and set in on the embedded track in each page to see it chugging along through the countryside. Each of the four tracks is removable, and together they...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
29,21 €
Baby´s Very First Touchy: Feely Lift the Flap Playbook (Fiona Watt)
Baby´s Very First Touchy: Feely Lift the Flap Playbook
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2013) EN jazyk
As babies begin to interact with the world, they will love to reach out and play with the holes, tactile patches and flaps in this vibrantly colourful book.   This first book will help babies learn about turning the pages, looking and pointing - an essential part of starting to understand what...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
8,19 €
That´s not my duck... (Fiona Watt)
That´s not my duck...
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2013)
Meet five friendly ducks in this exciting addition to the much-loved That's not my... series. Babies love the best-selling That's not my... books with their bold illustrations, patches to stroke, and a mouse to spot on every page, all designed to develop sensory and language awareness.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
10,07 €
That´s not my lamb... (Fiona Watt)
That´s not my lamb...
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2013) EN jazyk
Meet five adorable little lambs in this charming addition to the much-loved That's not my... series. Babies love the best-selling That's not my... books with their bold illustrations, patches to stroke, and a mouse to spot on every page, all designed to develop sensory and language awareness.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
11,- €
Wind-up Bus (Fiona Watt)
Wind-up Bus
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2013)
A London Bus, with a wind-up model of a red, double-decker London bus and four tracks take you on a tour of the famous city. Find out about London's most famous landmarks and attractions as your bus stops on its way. The four tracks can also be taken out of...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
35,54 €
Babys Very First Touchy Feely Playbook (Fiona Watt)
Babys Very First Touchy Feely Playbook
Fiona Watt | Usborne Publishing (2011) EN jazyk
This is a delightful addition to the successful "Baby's Very First" series of word books, touchy-feely books and buggy books.   Each page is specially designed to be visually stimulating with simple, eye-catching illustrations. Babies will love exploring the touchy-feely textures, running their fingers along diecut lines and peeping though holes.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
10,21 €
Kúzelné víly 1000 samolepiek (Fiona Watt)
Kúzelné víly 1000 samolepiek
Fiona Watt | Svojtka § Co., s.r.o. (2012) SK jazyk
Krásne samolepky, ktoré nájdeš na konci knihy, môžeš nalepiť do nádherne ilustrovaných, farebných scenérií v knižke. S umiestnením ti pomôžu jednoduché pomôcky. Alebo ich použi podľa vlastného uváženia- vytvor si vlastné obrázky, najrôznejšie blahoželania pre svojich kamarátov, alebo nálepky použi na dekoráciu listov a obálok. Rozvíjaj svoju zručnosť a originalitu!
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
7,25 €
365 Malujeme celý rok (Fiona Watt)
365 Malujeme celý rok
Fiona Watt | Svojtka § Co., s.r.o. (2010) CS jazyk
Ako nakresliť psa? Ako správne miešať farby? Ako namaľovať opičky za pomocou prstov? Jakvyrobit 3D model ulice? Ako nakresliť stromy? Ako zjednodušene nakresliť tvár? Ako sivytvořit maľovanou zbierku chrobákov? Ako vyrobiť hady? Ako namaľovať víly? A ako namalovatdraka? Ak radi niečo kreslíte, maľujete a vyrábate, je táto kniha určená práve...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
8,80 €
365 nápadov na kreslenie a maľovanie (Fiona Watt)
365 nápadov na kreslenie a maľovanie
Fiona Watt | Svojtka § Co., s.r.o. (2010) SK jazyk
Táto kniha je plná nápadov na kreslenie a maľovanie. Nájdete v nej jednoduché návody, ktoré vám ukážu krok za krokom ako na to, a takisto mnoho námetov, ako maľovať alebo kresliť iné veci rovnakou technikou. Nápady na každý deň v roku- od zvierat a rastlín až po mestá a ornamenty.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
7,25 €
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