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Computing with Emil 3 - Workbook

z vydavateľstva Indícia, s.r.o. 2019 EN jazyk

Computing with Emil 3 - Workbook

z vydavateľstva Indícia, s.r.o. 2019 EN jazyk

Vydavateľstvo: Indícia, s.r.o.
Rok vydania: 2019
EAN: 6402
Jazyk: anglický
Ročník: 3. ročník
Predmet: Informatika
Škola: Základné školy
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
Naša cena 7,15 €
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Viac o produkte Computing with Emil 3 - Workbook

Computing with Emil is a unique method of teaching computer science at school - from an early age, for every boy and every girl, in mutual cooperation and discussions. It is fun, school-oriented and it is based on scientific research and many years of working with teachers and students. It grows from international experiences in teaching computer science and modern theories of learning, and also fully meets the requirements of the current innovated Slovak State Education Program.

For the first time, Emil is building computer science as a well-thought-out and systematic cognitive process for every student. It turns computing into a new form of research, problem solving and cooperation between subjects. Computing with Emil teaches students how to live and work responsibly in a digital environment, how to get to know and change the world.

The workbook is an essential part of working with Emil.

The tasks in the software (also in English) and in the workbook are linked. The workbook also contains memory and other paper puzzles, which contribute in an interesting and ingenious way to the development of logical and computer thinking.


Number of pages: 47 + 6 pages 
Size: A4
Year of publication: 2019
Language: English


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Computing with Emil 3 - Workbook