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Dirty Bertie: an English King Made in France

od Clarke, S. z vydavateľstva Random House UK 2014

Dirty Bertie: an English King Made in France

od Clarke, S. z vydavateľstva Random House UK 2014

Autor: Clarke, S.
Vydavateľstvo: Random House UK
Rok vydania: 2014
EAN: 9781780890357
Počet strán: 448
Typ tovaru: Brožovaná väzba
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
Naša cena 13,62 €
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Viac o knihe Dirty Bertie: an English King Made in France (Clarke, S.)

This is the entertaining biography of Edward VII and his playboy lifestyle, by Stephen Clarke, author of 1000 Years of Annoying the French and A Year in the Merde. Despite fierce opposition from his mother, Queen Victoria, Edward VII was always passionately in love with France. He had affairs with the most famous Parisian actresses, courtesans and can-can dancers. He spoke French more elegantly than English. He was the first ever guest to climb the Eiffel Tower with Gustave Eiffel, in defiance of an official English ban on his visit. He turned his French seduction skills into the diplomatic prowess that sealed the Entente Cordiale. A quintessentially English king? Pas du tout! Stephen Clarke argues that as 'Dirty Bertie', Edward learned all the essentials in life from the French.


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Dirty Bertie: an English King Made in France (Clarke, S.)Moji kamaráti zo škôlky (Clarke, S.)