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Merde Happens

od Clarke, S. z vydavateľstva Transworld Publishers 2008

Merde Happens

od Clarke, S. z vydavateľstva Transworld Publishers 2008

Autor: Clarke, S.
Vydavateľstvo: Transworld Publishers
Rok vydania: 2008
EAN: 9780552773515
Počet strán: 384
Typ tovaru: Brožovaná väzba
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
Naša cena 8,37 €
Kúpou tohto produktu získate 0,42 bodov
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Viac o knihe Merde Happens (Clarke, S.)

Paul West is in deep financial merde. His only way out of debt is to accept a decidedly dodgy job that involves him touring America in a Mini, while pretending to be typically British. Also in the car is Paul´s French girlfriend, Alexa, and his American poet friend, Jake, whose main aim in life is to sleep with a woman from every country in the world. Preferably in the back of Paul´s Mini. But as the little car battles from New York to Miami, and then heads west, leg-room turns out to be the least of Paul´s troubles. His work is being sabotaged, his tour plans are in tatters, and his love life becomes a Franco-American war zone. And as Paul knows better than anyone, when you mix love and war - merde happens...


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Merde Happens (Clarke, S.)