Milly, Molly and Alf
od Gill Pittar z vydavateľstva ReadAndLearn
Milly, Molly and Alf
od Gill Pittar z vydavateľstva ReadAndLearn
Autor: | Gill Pittar |
Vydavateľstvo: | ReadAndLearn |
EAN: | 1877297240 |
Jazyk: | anglický |
Predmet: | Anglický jazyk |
Viac o produkte Milly, Molly and Alf (Gill Pittar)
Séria kníh Milly, Molly je venovaná deťom vo veku 4 až 8 rokov. Príbehy
sú o dobrodružstvách dvoch dievčatiek odlišného etnického pôvodu, prostredníctvom ktorých sa deti učia o akceptovaní rôznorodosti a učení sa pekných vlastností.
Alf je chlapec, ktorý sa odlišuje od ostatných v triede. Jeho rôznorodosť a prínos je nakoniec vyhodnotený v Deň udeľovania cien.
Milly, Molly and Alf, vhodná pre deti na 1. stupni
Hodnota, ktorá sa v tomto príbehu vyzdvihuje, je "oslava rôznorodosti" - porozumenia, rešpektu a radosti z odlišnosti od ostatných.
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On an ordinary hot summer day, the door to Milly and Molly's classroom burst open and in stepped the new boy.
Miss Blythe introduced Alf to the class.
"Alf is making a new start, in a new country," Miss Blythe explained.
"Alf is a refugee. His own country is not a safe place to live."
Milly and Molly offered to show Alf where to put his things.
But Alf was different. He didn't own a school bag or a bathing suit. Alf kept an apple in his pocket and a pencil behind his ear.
And he wore his black pair of shorts for everything.
Milly and Molly took an immediate liking to Alf.
It didn't seem to matter that he never combed his hair and has no shoes.
He smelt deliciously soapy and was never lost for words.
Alf lived in the caravan park with Nan. She wasn't his mother and he didn't have a father.
But Nan made the rules and Alf followed them.