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Medzi týmito učebnicami nájdete knihy vydavateľstva Longman Opportunities, ktoré sú rozdelené do nasledujúcich skupín: Business Opportunities, Opportunities a New Opportunities.

všetkých 2 podkategórií
Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
Opportunities in Britain Video Workbook (Harris, M. - Mower, D. - Sikorzynska)
Opportunities in Britain Video Workbook
Opportunities in Britainis the ideal companion for users of Opportunities Pre-intermediate to Upper Intermediate. Through six information-filled documentary-type episodes on different elements of life in Britain, students are able to see and feel the culture that goes with the English language. Teachers
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
18,30 €
Opportunities Beginner Student's Book (Harris, M. - Mower, D.)
Opportunities Beginner Student's Book
Harris, M. - Mower, D. | Longman (2002)
Grammar focus lessons guide students through the language and give thorough grammar practice. * Skills focus lessons and communication workshops provide a solid skills base. * Learning strategies throughout teach students how to become independent learners. * Culture corners give students a taste of life in the English speaking world....
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
20,79 €
Opportunities Pre-Inter Class CD(3) (Harris, M. - Mower, D.)
Opportunities Pre-Inter Class CD(3)
Harris, M. - Mower, D. | Longman (2002) CS jazyk
* Discovery approach to grammar and an up-front focus on vocabulary gives students maximum opportunity to learn * Educational and cultural input encourages students to learn more than just English and make lessons more memorable * Learner strategies help students become better...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
19,11 €
Opportunities Upper-Inter Class CD (4) (Harris, M. - Mower, D.)
Opportunities Upper-Inter Class CD (4)
Harris, M. - Mower, D. | Longman (2002)
* Discovery approach to grammar and an up-front focus on vocabulary gives students maximum opportunity to learn * Educational and cultural input encourages students to learn more than just English and make lessons more memorable * Learner strategies help students become better...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
19,79 €
Business Opportunities Student's Book (Hollett, V. - Phillips, A. + T. - Duckworth, M.)
Business Opportunities Student's Book
Hollett, V. - Phillips, A. + T. - Duckworth, M. | Oxford University Press (1994)
This title features clear presentation and practice of essential business language. It is accompanied by a video: Creating Opportunities.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
21,67 €
Business Opportunities Teacher's Book (Hollett, V. - Phillips, A. + T. - Duckworth, M.)
Business Opportunities Teacher's Book
Hollett, V. - Phillips, A. + T. - Duckworth, M. | Oxford University Press (1994)
This title features clear presentation and practice of essential business language. It is accompanied by a video: Creating Opportunities.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
11,89 €
Business Opportunities Workbook (Hollett, V. - Phillips, A. + T. - Duckworth, M.)
Business Opportunities Workbook
Hollett, V. - Phillips, A. + T. - Duckworth, M. | Oxford University Press (1994)
This title features clear presentation and practice of essential business language. It is accompanied by a video: Creating Opportunities.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
10,36 €
Opportunities Intermediate Student's Book (Harris, M. - Mower, D.)
Opportunities Intermediate Student's Book
Harris, M. - Mower, D. | Longman (2000) EN jazyk
Opportunities for Life. Modules of topic-based units provide rich, contemporary content based on a wide variety of informative themes. With a discovery approach to grammar and an upfront focus on vocabulary, Opportunities ensures the most effective language learning for teenagers.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
20,79 €