English Vocabulary in Use, 4th Edition, Upper-Intermediate
English Vocabulary in Use Upper-intermediate 4th edition with answers
English Vocabulary in Use, tretia edícia úroveň Pre-intermediate a Intermediate z vydavateľstva Cambridge.
Vysvetlenie a prax slovnej zásoby pre študentov angličtiny vyššieho stredného stupňa (B2). Ideálne pre samoštúdium aj pre aktivity v triede. Rýchlo rozšírite svoj slovník na viac ako 100 jednotiek ľahko pochopiteľných vysvetlení a praktických cvičení. Buďte si istí...
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Získate: 1,60 b.
English Vocabulary in Use Upper-Intermediate Book with answers + ebook 4th ed.
English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-intermediate is the third level of four in the family of best-selling vocabulary reference and practice books, ideal for self-study or classroom use. English Vocabulary in Use: Upper-intermediate includes 100 units presenting vocabulary in typical contexts appropriate to B2 level. This third edition has been fully...
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Získate: 1,89 b.