English Vocabulary in Use, 3rd Edition, Advanced
English Vocabulary In Use Advanced Book with answers
English Vocabulary in Use, tretia edícia úroveň Advanced z vydavateľstva Cambridge.
Vysvetlenia a prax slovnej zásoby pre študentov angličtiny na vyššej úrovni (C1 až C2). Ideálne pre samoštúdium aj pre aktivity v triede. Rýchlo rozšírte svoj slovník o viac ako 100 jednotiek ľahko pochopiteľných vysvetlení a praktických cvičení. Buďte si istí...
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Získate: 1,60 b.
English Vocabulary in Use Advanced Book with answers + ebook 3rd ed
A second edition of the best-selling vocabulary practice book, ideal for self-study or classroom use. English Vocabulary in Use Advanced with answers and CD-ROM is the highest level in the family of best-selling vocabulary reference and practice books from Cambridge. Vocabulary is clearly presented and contextualised on left-hand pages, with...
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Získate: 1,89 b.