Level 2 (600 hesiel) A2
Anne of Green Gables + CD-ROM and MP3audio
The Cuthberts ask the orphanage for a boy to help at their farm, but a little girl steps off the train. Anne causes chaos at Green Gables, but her good nature wins everyone's heart.
Active Reading obsahuje okrem textu aj cvičenia. Žiaci si v cvičeniach môžu precvičiť ako si príbeh zapamätali.
do 5 pracovných dní
Wonders of the World Book and CD-ROM Pack
Longman (2010)
Active Reading obsahuje okrem textu aj cvičenia. Žiaci si v cvičeniach môžu precvičiť ako si príbeh zapamätali.
Around the world there are many beautiful places. There are famous buildings, old and new. Some are interesting; some are important. Some are the tallest or biggest in the world. The Great Wall, Machu Picchu, the Grand Canyon, the Taj Mahal...Which are your wonders of the world?...
Around the world there are many beautiful places. There are famous buildings, old and new. Some are interesting; some are important. Some are the tallest or biggest in the world. The Great Wall, Machu Picchu, the Grand Canyon, the Taj Mahal...Which are your wonders of the world?...