Produkty zo série: Fazbear Frights
Do jámy (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #1)
1. diel série
1. diel série
Co si přejete ze všeho nejvíc? Oswald, Sára a Millie si myslí, že na tuhle otázku znají odpověď. Oswald si přeje, aby jeho léto nebylo tak nudné, Sára touží být krásná a Millie by nejradši prostě zmizela z povrchu zemského. Ve zvráceném světě Five Nights at Freddy's ale budou mít...
na sklade
Aport (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #2)
2. diel série
2. diel série
Greg, Alec a Oscar už toho mají dost – po letech plných příkoří se rozhodli zcela změnit svůj život. Greg se pustí do více než kontroverzního experimentu. Alec hodlá před světem odhalit, že jeho sestra není tak dokonalá, jak si všichni myslí. A Oscar se chce jednou provždy zbavit obsesivního...
na sklade
1:35 v noci (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #3)
3. diel série
3. diel série
Delilah před tíživou realitou utíká do děsivých snů. Stanley potřebuje sehnat práci a vezme za vděk hodně podezřelou nabídkou. Devon štěstí lidí kolem sebe chápe jako výsměch vlastní samotě. Protagonisté jednotlivých povídek jsou zvyklí spoléhat jen sami na sebe a nemají potřebu na tom něco měnit. Ve světě Five Nights...
na sklade
1:35 AM (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #3)
3. diel série
3. diel série
From twisted toys to gut-wrenching games, this collection of terrifying tales is unsettling enough to mess with even the most hardened Five Nights at Freddy's fans. In this volume, horror master Scott Cawthon spins three sinister novella-length stories from different corners of FNAF's canon. Each story comes complete with accompanying...
do 5 pracovných dní
Prankster (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #11)
11. diel série
11. diel série
Five Nights at Freddy's fans won't want to miss this pulse-pounding collection of three novella-length tales that will keep even the bravest FNAF player up at night...Standing up for yourself can be hard... Jeremiah decides he's done being the butt of his coworker's jokes at their small game studio. Joel...
Blackbird (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #6)
6. diel série
6. diel série
Five Nights at Freddy's fans won't want to miss this pulse-pounding collection of three novella-length tales that will keep even the bravest FNAF player up at night...Haunted by the past...To avoid confronting an ugly truth, Nole falls prey to a monster that punishes past transgressions. Growing weaker by the day,...
Friendly Face (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #10)
10. diel série
10. diel série
Five Nights at Freddy's fans won't wat to miss this pulse-pounding collection of three novella-length tales that will keep even the bravest FNAF player up at night...Act in haste, repent at leisure... After losing his friend in a terrible accident, Andrew can't spend his money fast enough on a happy...
Into the Pit (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #1)
1. diel série
1. diel série
Five Nights at Freddy's fans won't want to miss this pulse-pounding collection of three novella-length tales thatwill keep even the bravest player up at night...What do you wish for most? It's a question that Oswald, Sarahand Millie think they know the answer to. Oswald wishes his summerwasn't so boring, Sarah...
Step Closer (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #4)
4. diel série
4. diel série
From twisted toys to gut-wrenching games, this collection of terrifying tales is unsettling enough to mess with even the most hardened Five Nights at Freddy's fans. In this volume, horror master Scott Cawthon spins three sinister novella-length stories from different corners of FNAF's canon. Each story comes complete with accompanying...
The Cliffs (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #7)
7. diel série
7. diel série
Five Nights at Freddy's fans won't want to miss this pulse-pounding collection of three novella-length tales that will keep even the bravest FNAF player up at night...
Some things must be learned the hard way ... Reed sees an opportunity to teach the school bully not to mess with him, but...
Bunny Call (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #5)
5. diel série
5. diel série
Five Nights at Freddy's fans won't want to miss this pulse-pounding collection of three novella-length tales that will keep even the bravest FNAF player up at night...When left in darkness, rage festers. Years of frustration with his family culminate in a loathsome vacation for Bob, who plots a sinister prank...
Fetch (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #2)
2. diel série
2. diel série
The Fazbear Frights series continues with three morebone-chilling, novella-length tales to keep even the bravest FiveNights at Freddy's player up at night...After years of being kicked around, Greg, Alec and Oscar are readyto take control of their lives. Greg decides to put the controversialscience he's been studying to the test....
Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights Boxed Set
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author and creator of Five Nights at Freddy's, don't miss this twelve-book boxed set, which includes stories that were left on the cutting room floor from books one through eleven!
All eleven Fazbear Frights books in one amazing box set, plus a twelfth book...
Gumdrop Angel (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #8)
8. diel série
8. diel série
A string of bad luck you can't seem to shake ... for Angel, Hudson and Sergio, it's an all too familiar feeling. Repulsed by her spoiled stepsister's lavish birthday party, Angel exacts a hasty and ill-fated revenge. Hudson's young life is littered with tragedy and broken dreams, but a well-paying...
The Puppet Carver (Five Nights at Freddy's: Fazbear Frights #9)
9. diel série
9. diel série
Five Nights at Freddy's fans won't want to miss this pulse-pounding collection of three novella-length tales that will keep even the bravest FNAF player up at night...Consumed by failure... Desperate to keep his kiddie pizzeria from bankruptcy, Jack lets his animatronics tech pitch him a new invention that might just...