Knihy od: Yule, G.
Oxford Practice Grammar Advanced with Key (Revisited Edition)
Jeho osvedčená a overená metodológia poskytuje prehľadné vysvetlenia a veľa praktických cvičení navyše.
Advanced poskytuje náročné praktické aktivity a vysvetlenia gramatiky do hĺbky.
NOVÝ dizajn jasne prezentuje každú lekciu tak, aby boli gramatické témy zrozumiteľné.
Pokrýva potreby študentov na zvládnutie medzinárodných skúšok, napr. Oxford Test of English, A2 Key – C2 Proficiency, IELTS...
do 3 pracovných dní
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Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers - Explaining English Grammar
This is a book designed to help teachers understand English grammar and explain it to their students. Each chapter focuses on a problematic area, for example ´Articles´, ´Conditionals´, and ´Direct and indirect speech´, and includes exercises for the reader and teaching ideas.
do 10 dní
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Oxford Introduction to Language Study - Pragmatics
This is an introduction to pragmatics, the study of how people make sense of each other linguistically. The author explains, and illustrates, basic concepts, such as the co-operative principle, deixis, and speech acts, providing a clear, concise foundation for further study.