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Williams, D.

Knihy od: Williams, D.

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
Wider World 4 Workbook with Extra Online Homework Pack (Williams, D.)
Wider World 4 Workbook with Extra Online Homework Pack
Williams, D. | Longman (2017) EN jazyk
Wider World je portál do fascinujúceho sveta znalostí anglického jazyka pre každého žiaka 21. storočia. Autentické a pútavé videá z produkcie BBC v kombinácii s odbornými znalosťami Person ELT prinášajú študentom všetko, čo potrebujú k dosiahnutiu cieľov v ich vzdelaní ale aj celkovo v živote.   Rada učebníc Wider World je vhodná predovšetkým pre nižšie ročníky viacročných gymnázií a 2....
Posielame do 10 dní
12,69 €*10,79 €
Gangsta Granny (Williams, D.)
Gangsta Granny
Williams, D. | Harper Collins UK (2013) EN jazyk
Another hilarious and moving novel from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing children’s author in the country. A story of prejudice and acceptance, funny lists and silly words, this new book has all the hallmarks of David’s previous bestsellers. Our hero Ben is bored beyond belief...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
12,26 €
Billionaire Boy (Williams, D.)
Billionaire Boy
Williams, D. | Harper Collins UK (2011)
A hilarious, touching and extraordinary new fable from the author of The Boy in the Dress and Mr Stink. Joe has a lot of reasons to be happy. About a billion of them, in fact. You see, Joe's rich. Really, really rich. Joe's got his own bowling alley,...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
11,07 €
Mr Stink (Williams, D.)
Mr Stink
Williams, D. | Harper Collins UK (2010)
The second original, touching, twisted, and most of all hilarious novel for children by David Walliams – beautifully illustrated by Quentin Blake.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
11,- €
Boy in the Dress (Williams, D.)
Boy in the Dress
Williams, D. | Harper Collins UK (2009)
The sparkling debut children's novel from David Walliams, number one bestseller and fastest growing children's author in the country, with sparkling new cover look to tie in with later books.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
11,07 €