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Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.

Knihy od: Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
English Plus 1 Workbook + Online (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
English Plus 1 Workbook + Online
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
English Plus is a fl exible course with all the additional material you might need. English Plus builds student confi dence through graded practice. The fl exible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. Now with new Online Practice. • Extra optional pages at the back...
Posielame do 3 pracovných dní
17,02 €*14,47 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 0,72 b.
English Plus 2 Workbook + Online (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
English Plus 2 Workbook + Online
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
English Plus is a fl exible course with all the additional material you might need. English Plus builds student confi dence through graded practice. The fl exible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. Now with new Online Practice. • Extra optional pages at the back...
Posielame do 10 dní
17,02 €*13,62 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 0,72 b.
insight Advanced Workbook with Online Practice - Pracovný zošit (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
insight Advanced Workbook with Online Practice - Pracovný zošit
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013) EN jazyk
Päťstupňový kurz anglického jazyka insight je určený študentom stredných škôl. Obzvlášť vhodný je ako voľba pre výučbu na gymnáziách, či bilingválnych školách, kde sú kladené väčšie nároky na jazykovú gramotnosť. Svojou učebnou osnovou sa Insight snaží vyťažiť zo študentov maximum ich potenciálu a naučiť ich myslieť samostatne a kriticky. S rýchlosťou akou sa vďaka učebnici insight budú...
Posielame do 10 dní
20,74 €*17,63 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 0,88 b.
Reach Out 1 iTools (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 1 iTools
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2014)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
49,93 €
English Plus 3 Workbook + Online (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
English Plus 3 Workbook + Online
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
English Plus is a fl exible course with all the additional material you might need. English Plus builds student confi dence through graded practice. The fl exible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. Now with new Online Practice. • Extra optional pages at the back...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
12,18 €
English Plus 4 Workbook + Online (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
English Plus 4 Workbook + Online
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
English Plus is a fl exible course with all the additional material you might need. English Plus builds student confi dence through graded practice. The fl exible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. Now with new Online Practice. • Extra optional pages at the back...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
14,47 €
English Plus Starter Workbook + Online (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
English Plus Starter Workbook + Online
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
English Plus is a fl exible course with all the additional material you might need. English Plus builds student confi dence through graded practice. The fl exible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. Now with new Online Practice. • Extra optional pages at the back...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
14,47 €
Reach Out 1 Student's Book (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 1 Student's Book
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
16,38 €
Reach Out 1 Teacher's Book (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 1 Teacher's Book
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
20,38 €
Reach Out 1 Workbook Pack (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 1 Workbook Pack
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
11,30 €
Reach Out 2 iTools (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 2 iTools
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
49,93 €
Reach Out 2 Student's Book (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 2 Student's Book
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
16,38 €
Reach Out 2 Teacher's Book (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 2 Teacher's Book
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
20,38 €
Reach Out 2 Workbook Pack (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 2 Workbook Pack
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
11,30 €
Reach Out 3 iTools (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 3 iTools
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
49,93 €
Reach Out 3 Student's Book (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 3 Student's Book
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
16,38 €
Reach Out 3 Teacher's Book (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 3 Teacher's Book
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
20,38 €
Reach Out 3 Workbook Pack (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 3 Workbook Pack
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
11,30 €
Reach Out 4 iTools (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 4 iTools
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
49,93 €
Reach Out 4 Student's Book (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 4 Student's Book
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
16,38 €
Reach Out 4 Teacher's Book (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 4 Teacher's Book
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
20,38 €
Reach Out 4 Workbook Pack (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out 4 Workbook Pack
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
11,30 €
Reach Out Starter iTools (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out Starter iTools
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
49,93 €
Reach Out Starter Student's Book (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out Starter Student's Book
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
16,38 €
Reach Out Starter Teacher's Book (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out Starter Teacher's Book
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
20,38 €
Reach Out Starter Workbook Pack (Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N.)
Reach Out Starter Workbook Pack
Wetz, B. - Pye, D. - Styring, J. - Tims, N. | Oxford University Press (2013)
Reach Out is the fl exible new secondary course that provides optional additional material so you can tailor your lessons to suit your class. With a bank of optional extra lessons at the back of the Student Books, as well as online practice and a wealth of extra photocopiable material...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
11,30 €