Knihy od: Tahereh Mafi
Prepletené kráľovstvo (Prepletené kráľovstvo 1)
Finalista v kategórii Najlepšie YA fantasy & sci-fi, Goodreads Choice Award 2022!
Alizeh je v očiach celého sveta len bezvýznamnou slúžkou, a nie stratenou dedičkou starobylého kráľovstva džinov, nútenou žiť v anonymite.Korunný princ Kamran sa dopočul o proroctvách, čo predpovedajú smrť jeho kráľa. No nikdy by mu ani nenapadlo, že dievčina...
do 3 pracovných dní
Ignite Me
X-Men meets The Handmaid's Tale in the third instalment in an epic and romantic YA fantasy trilogy perfect for fans of Netflix's Stranger Things, Sarah J. Maas, Victoria Aveyard's The Red Queen and Leigh Bardugo's Six of Crows. With Omega Point destroyed, Juliette doesn't know if the rebels, her friends,...
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Shatter Me
X-Men meets The Handmaid's Tale in this first instalment in an epic and romantic YA fantasy trilogy perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Victoria Aveyard's The Red Queen, Netflix's Stranger Things and Leigh Bardugo's Six of Crows. A fragile young teenage girl is held captive.
Locked in a cell by...
do 5 pracovných dní
Unravel Me
X-Men meets The Handmaid's Tale in the second instalment in an epic and romantic YA fantasy trilogy perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Victoria Aveyard's The Red Queen, Netflix's Stranger Things and Leigh Bardugo's Six of Crows. They want to find me.I will find them first. Juliette has escaped....
do 3 pracovných dní
Imagine Me
The book that all SHATTER ME fans have been waiting for is finally here. The finale of Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling YA fantasy series perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Victoria Aveyard's The Red Queen, Stranger Things and Leigh Bardugo's Six of CrowsJuliette Ferrars.Ella Sommers. Which is...
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Unite Me
Perfect for fans of Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling Shatter Me trilogy, this book collects the first two companion novellas, Fracture Me and Destroy Me, for a thrilling insight into the minds of Juliette's two great loves - Adam and Warner.
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Defy Me
The breath-taking and heart-pounding fifth instalment in the incredible New York Times and UK kindle bestselling SHATTER ME series. Perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Victoria Aveyard and Leigh Bardugo.She was never meant for you. She was never meant for any of this. That girl was sentenced to death...
do 3 pracovných dní
Restore Me
The book that all SHATTER ME fans have been waiting for is finally here. The fourth incredible instalment of Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling YA fantasy series perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Victoria Aveyard's The Red Queen, Stranger Things and Leigh Bardugo's Six of CrowsThe girl with...
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Believe Me
The breath-taking and heart-pounding final instalment in the New York Times bestselling fantasy series SHATTER ME. Perfect for fans of Sarah J. Maas, Victoria Aveyard and Leigh Bardugo.The brand new and devastatingly romantic final instalment in the bestselling SHATTER ME series. Juliette and Warner fought hard to take down the...
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These Infinite Threads
Full of explosive magic, searing romance, and heartbreaking betrayal, These Infinite Threads is the breathtaking sequel to the instant New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller This Woven Kingdom With the heat of a kiss, the walls between Alizeh, the long-lost heir to an ancient Jinn kingdom, and Kamran, the...
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This Woven Kingdom 3: All This Twisted Glory
The highly anticipated third novel in the This Woven Kingdom series, full of explosive magic, searing romance, and heartbreaking betrayal, from the award-winning and bestselling author of the Shatter Me series. Perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Sabaa Tahir, and Tomi Adeyemi.As the long-lost heir to the Jinn throne, Alizeh...
do 5 pracovných dní
Find Me
Perfect for fans of Tahereh Mafi's New York Times bestselling Shatter Me trilogy, this book collects the final two companion novellas, Shadow Me and Reveal Me, leading up to the explosive final in the series - coming next year.
do 3 pracovných dní
Shatter Me
Stranger Things meets Shadow and Bone in this first instalment of an epic and romantic YA fantasy series - perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo, Sarah J. Maas and Victoria Aveyard. Now a TikTok phenomenon. A fragile young teenage girl is held captive. Locked in a cell by...
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Nitky proroctví
Znepřátelená království, zakázaná láska a ztracená vládkyně, která musí zachránit svůj lid – první díl výpravné romantické fantasy inspirované perskými mýty. Elizeh je pro všechny jen obyčejnou služebnou. Nikdo netuší, že ve skutečnosti jde o ztracenou dědičku království. Dokud korunní princ nevyslechne proroctví předvídající smrt krále a neuvědomí si, že...
do 5 pracovných dní
Pradivo nekonečna (Prepletené kráľovstvo 2)
Alizeh, stratená dedička kráľovstva džinov, a Kamran, korunný princ Ardunie, podľahli pokušeniu, ktoré navždy zmenilo ich životy. Po smrti Kamranovho starého otca ho vládca Tulanu Cyrus zavolal do svojej krajiny, kde plánuje zosobášiť Alizeh. Jeho svadba s ňou by mu umožnila stať sa kráľom a splniť dohodu s diablom. Alizeh...
do 3 pracovných dní
Jsem roztříštěná
Juliette se nikoho nedotkla už 264 dní. A z dobrého důvodu – její dotyk je totiž smrtící. Ačkoliv nikomu neublížila úmyslně, musí nyní trávit svůj život v cele. Nikdo totiž nemá čas řešit sedmnáctiletou dívku s anomální schopností, svět se potýká s většími problémy – lidé umírají na vážné nemoci,...
Shatter Me box set
Enter the addictive world of the Shatter Me series with all nine books in this exclusively designed beautiful box set.
A fragile young teenage girl is held captive. Locked in a cell by The Reestablishment – a harsh dictatorship in charge of a crumbling world. This is no ordinary teenager. Juliette is a...
These Infinite Threads
Full of explosive magic, searing romance, and heartbreaking betrayal, These Infinite Threads is the breathtaking sequel to the instant New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller This Woven Kingdom
With the heat of a kiss, the walls between Alizeh, the long-lost heir to an ancient Jinn kingdom, and Kamran, the crown prince of the Ardunian empire, have crumbled....
This Woven Kingdom
Clashing empires, forbidden romance, and a long-forgotten queen destined to save her people-New York Times bestselling author Tahereh Mafi's first novel in this epic, romantic fantasy series inspired by Persian mythology.
To all the world, Alizeh is a disposable servant, not the long-lost heir to an ancient Jinn kingdom forced to...
This Woven Kingdom
Clashing empires, forbidden romance, and a long-forgotten queen destined to save her people-New York Times bestselling author Tahereh Mafi's first novel in this epic, romantic fantasy series inspired by Persian mythology.
To all the world, Alizeh is a disposable servant, not the long-lost heir to an ancient Jinn kingdom forced to...
An Emotion Of Great Delight
From bestselling author of the Shatter Me series and the National Book Award-nominated A Very Large Expanse of Sea, Tahereh Mafi, comes a stunning novel about love and loneliness, navigating dual-identity as a Muslim teenager in America, and reclaiming your right to joy. It's 2003. It's been several months since...
Restore Me
An instant New York Times bestseller! Juliette and Warner's story continues in the electrifying fourth installment of Tahereh Mafi's bestselling Shatter Me series. The girl with the power to kill with a single touch now has the world in the palm of her hand. Juliette Ferrars thought she'd won. She...
A Very Large Expanse of Sea
'This is a gorgeous book. It's tender and fierce, beautiful even as it depicts some ugly truths. The prose is passionate and honest, unsentimental and big-hearted. The very best books move you to reconsider the world around you and this is one of those. I truly loved it' - Nicola...
Jsem rozohněná
Juliette přežila a její příběh pokračuje… Nic už ale není jako dřív. Juliette čeká velká zkouška, musí ovládnout svou sílu a přestat být tou malou zlomenou dívkou. Osud Bodu Omega je nejasný a každý, na kom Juliette kdy záleželo, se ocitl v nebezpečí. Válka je na dosah ruky a Juliette...
Jsem zlomená
Tik tak tik tak tik tak tik tak… Už je skoro čas na válku! Juliette uprchla ze spárů Warnera do Bodu Omega, což je místo ideální pro lidi, jako je ona. Pro lidi s darem. A také je to hlaví ústředí hnutí odporu proti stávajícímu režimu. Konečně je volná a...
Som roztrieštená
Juliette trávi stovky dní zatvorená v betónovej cele. Pre svojich blízkych, spolužiakov a rodičov predstavuje hrozbu, ktorú je treba pred svetom ukrývať. Keď sa jej niekto dotkne, začnú sa diať nebezpečné veci... Nikto nevie, prečo je Juliettin dotyk smrteľný, no nový systém s ňou má veľké plány. Juliettina predstava je...
Som zlomená
Juliette ušla do Bodu Omega. Je to miesto pre ľudí ako ona – pre ľudí, ktorí majú dar – zároveň to je aj hlavné stredisko odporu tých, čo sa vzbúrili. Konečne sa odpútala od nového systému, je voľná a nehrozí jej, že ju použijú ako zbraň. Konečne môže slobodne milovať...