Knihy od: Rainbow Rowell
Slow Dance
Slow Dance by Rainbow Rowell is a poignant tale of love, friendship, and second chances. Shiloh and Cary, best friends since childhood, thought they would always stay close, but life pulled them in different directions Shiloh to college and motherhood, Cary to the Navy. Now, fourteen years later, Shiloh is back...
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Občasné přeháňky
Holka potká kluka, když oba táboří před kinem. Nejlepší kamarádi debatují o důležitosti školních plesů. Princ se zamiluje do trollky. Žena najde spřízněnou duši v imaginárním muži. A sám Simon Snow se vrací v nezapomenutelném vánočním dobrodružství. První povídková sbírka bestsellerové autorky Rainbow Rowellové je přehlídkou neodolatelných postav, vtipných dialogů...
na sklade
Any Way the Wind Blows
In Carry On, Simon Snow and his friends realized that everything they thought they understood about the world might be wrong. And in Wayward Son, they wondered whether everything they understood about themselves might be wrong.In Any Way the Wind Blows, Simon and Baz and Penelope and Agatha have to...
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A smart and swoony Rainbow Rowell romance in full colour graphic novel form. Deja and Josiah are seasonal best friends. Every autumn, all through high school, they've worked together at the best pumpkin patch in the whole wide world (not many people know that the best pumpkin patch in the...
Wayward Son
Wayward Son is the stunning YA novel by the bestselling author of Fangirl and Carry On, Rainbow Rowell. With all of her signature wit and heart, this is Rainbow at her absolute best. This edition includes two beautiful illustrations.The story is supposed to be over. Simon Snow did everything he...
Carry On
Simon Snow just wants to relax and savour his last year at the Watford School of Magicks, but no one will let him. His girlfriend broke up with him, his best friend is a pest and his mentor keeps trying to hide him away in the mountains where maybe he'll...
Almost Midnight: Two Festive Short Stories
Almost Midnight: Two Festive Short Stories by New York Times bestselling author Rainbow Rowell contains two wintery short stories, decorated throughout with gorgeous black and white illustrations by Simini Blocker.
'Midnights' is the story of Noel and Mags, who meet at the same New Year's Eve party every year and fall...