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Puzo, M.

Knihy od: Puzo, M.

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
Dark Arena (Puzo, M.)
Dark Arena
Puzo, M. | Random House UK
Walter Mosca, hardened by the brutality and desecration of three long years of war, returns to the USA a changed man. But he has no sooner arrived than he knows that he must run back to the land of the enemy, to find the woman who accepts the rage and...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
5,79 €
El Padrino (Puzo, M.)
El Padrino
Puzo, M. | Celesa (2010)
La publicacion de El Padrino en 1969 convulsiono el mundo literario. Por primera vez, la Mafia protagonizaba una novela y era retratada desde dentro. Mario Puzo la presentaba no como una mera asociacion de facinerosos, sino como una compleja sociedad con una cultura propia y una jerarquia aceptada incluso mas...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
17,33 €
Der Letzte Pate (Puzo, M.)
Der Letzte Pate
Puzo, M. | Rowohlt Verlag (2009)
Vendetta in Hollywood Die Enkel des mächtigen Mafiabosses Don Clericuzio, Cross und Dante, gehen gegen den Willen ihres Großvaters eigene Wege. Cross steigt in das von der Mafia gemiedene Filmgeschäft ein, Dante bringt den Clan durch sein hitzköpfiges Verhalten in Schwierigkeiten. Die Unüberlegtheit der beiden jungen Männer führt die Familie...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
12,37 €
Der Sizilianer (Puzo, M.)
Der Sizilianer
Puzo, M. | Rowohlt Verlag (2009)
Im Fadenkreuz der Mafia Sizilien 1950: Die Zeit des Exils auf Sizilien neigt sich für Michael Corleone dem Ende zu. Sein Vater, der mächtige Don, hat ihn beauftragt, den jungen sizilianischen Mafioso Salvatore Giuliano nach Amerika zu begleiten. Für das sizilianische Volk ist Giuliano ein Held, doch mit seinem Kampf...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
11,79 €
Godfather (Puzo, M.)
Puzo, M. | TBS (2009) EN jazyk
Tyrant, blackmailer, racketeer, murderer - his influence reaches every level of American society. Meet Don Corleone, a friendly man, a just man, a reasonable man. The deadliest lord of the Cosa Nostra. The Godfather. A modern masterpiece, The Godfather is a searing portrayal of the 1940s criminal underworld. It is...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
14,16 €
Last Don (Puzo, M.)
Last Don
Puzo, M. | Random House UK (2009) EN jazyk
Age withers some writers. Others it ripens toward an Olympian wisdom. So it is with Puzo, who at age 76 returns after a quarter century to the terrain of his greatest success, The Godfather, to tell a second masterful tale of Mafia life. Puzo´s vision is broader here, and more...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
12,78 €
Omerta (Puzo, M.)
Puzo, M. | Random House UK (2009)
Born in the Sicilian hills, omerta carried the Mafia through a hundred years of change, but now at the century's end it is becoming a relic from a bygone age. Honor may be silent - but money talks. New York - a mob boss is assassinated. His nephew Astorre Viola...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
8,49 €
Penguin Readers 4 The Godfather + CD (Puzo, M.)
Penguin Readers 4 The Godfather + CD
Puzo, M. | Longman (2008)
Don Vito Corleone is the ‘Godfather’ of New York’s richest Mafia family. His business is built on fear and murder. Vito’s son Michael wants a quiet life away from the family business. But that’s not easy, and slowly Michael becomes the most dangerous gangster of them all…
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
7,91 €
Der Pate (Puzo, M.)
Der Pate
Puzo, M. | Rowohlt Verlag (2001)
Mario Puzo erzählt in dem Roman Der Pate die Geschichte des Gangsterwesens in den USA als opulente Saga einer Familie, die den amerikanischen Traum von Reichtum und Erfolg mit brutaler Gewalt verwirklicht. Inhalt: Die Handlung spielt im New York gegen Ende der 1940er Jahre. Don Vito Corleone, der 1901 als...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
9,63 €
Godfather (Puzo, M.)
Puzo, M. | Random House UK (2001)
The Godfather is the Mafia leader Vito Corleone, a benevolent despot who stops at nothing to gain and hold power. Set in Long Island, Hollywood and Sicily, this is a story of a feudal society within society which does not hesitate to consolidate its power.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
7,96 €
Omerta (Puzo, M.)
Puzo, M. | Random House UK (2001)
Omerta, the Sicilian code of silence, has been the cornerstone of the Mafia´s sense of honour for centuries. Born in the Sicilian hills, omerta carried the Mafia through a century of change, but now at the century´s end it is becoming a relic from a bygone age. Honour may be...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
7,48 €
Omerta (nemecky) (Puzo, M.)
Omerta (nemecky)
Puzo, M. | Ullstein Verlag (2001)
Don Raymonde Aprile ist schlau genug, sich nach einem langen Leben mit Stil aus dem organisierten Verbrechen zurückzuziehen. Astorre Viola soll ihm allerdings weiterhin den Zugang zum Bankgeschäft sichern. Doch das New Yorker FBI hat etliche Mitglieder der Mafia dazu gebracht zu singen und damit die omert , das sizilianische...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
14,25 €
Fools Die (Puzo, M.)
Fools Die
Puzo, M. | Random House UK (1992)
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,53 €
Last Don (Puzo, M.)
Last Don
Puzo, M. | Random House UK (1997)
This novel tells the story of the last great Mafia family, and its head, Don Domenico, describing his attempt to leave the world of crime and consolidate the family´s power in Las Vegas and Hollywood.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
9,13 €
Sicilian (Puzo, M.)
Puzo, M. | Random House UK (2000)
Sequel to The Godfather, this describes the ending of Michael Corleone´s exile in Sicily, his search for Salvatore Giuliano and his troubles, as he confronts brutal and unfamiliar treacheries in the deceitful society within which he moves.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
7,23 €
The Fourth K (Puzo, M.)
The Fourth K
Puzo, M. | Pan Macmillan (1992)
The President of the US, cousin of JFK, faces the greatest crisis of his career. His only child has been seized by terrorists making impossible demands, while at the same time, two scientists are holding the nation to ransom with a secretly planted nuclear device. By the author of The...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
8,19 €