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Phillips, S.

Knihy od: Phillips, S.

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
Project Explore Starter Class Audio CDs (2) (Phillips, S.)
Project Explore Starter Class Audio CDs (2)
Phillips, S. | Oxford Univesrity Press EN jazyk
Objavte nový svet učebnice Project Explore s rôznorodými postavami a vzrušujúcimi príbehmi. Každá hodina je postavená na osvedčenej metodológii učebnice Project a jej efektívnom prístupe k vyučovaniu gramatiky a slovnej zásoby.   S učebnicou Project Explore žiaci získavajú sebadôveru a pripravujú sa komunikovať v angličtine aj mimo triedy.   Project Explore: 100 % nový obsah. Rôznorodé témy, texty a úlohy...
Posielame do 3 pracovných dní
37,64 €*31,99 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 1,60 b.
Incredible English Starter CB (Phillips, S.)
Incredible English Starter CB
Phillips, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
A six-level course that gives children more vocabulary, more reading, and more lessons than other primary courses. Your pupils will definitely learn more!
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
11,30 €
Incredible English Starter CDs (3) (Phillips, S.)
Incredible English Starter CDs (3)
Phillips, S. | Oxford University Press (2011)
A six-level course that gives children more vocabulary, more reading, and more lessons than other primary courses. Your pupils will definitely learn more!
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
15,04 €
Primary Resource Books for Teachers - Drama with Children (Phillips, S.)
Primary Resource Books for Teachers - Drama with Children
Phillips, S. | Oxford University Press (1999)
Practical ideas for introducing drama activities into the English class, including mime, chants, puppets, role play, and short plays. As well as developing speaking and pronunciation, drama helps children to develop self-confidence and express their imagination, personalities, and creativity.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
25,02 €
Primary Resource Books for Teachers - Young Learners (Phillips, S.)
Primary Resource Books for Teachers - Young Learners
Phillips, S. | Oxford University Press (1993)
English lessons form an integral part of a young learner´s whole education. This book ciontains guidance for teachers who are new to young learners, and ideas and materials for a wide variety of language practice activities, including art and crafts, drama, games, storytelling, and songs. This book is intended for...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
28,08 €