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Oxford University Press

Knihy od: Oxford University Press

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
Little Friends iTools (Oxford University Press)
Little Friends iTools
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
39,14 €
Oxford Illustrated Social StudiesDictionary (Oxford University Press)
Oxford Illustrated Social StudiesDictionary
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2013)
Serve as a bridge between picture dictionaries Are flexible enough to be used in whole-group, small group, or independent learning models Are aligned to national curriculum standards Includes 700 terms
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
19,67 €
Oxford Illustrated Social StudiesDictionary iTools (Oxford University Press)
Oxford Illustrated Social StudiesDictionary iTools
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2013)
The Oxford Illustrated Social Studies iTools are great classroom presentation tools. The full dictionary is presented on screen with an array of tools such as zoom, text, and draw. Standards-based vocabulary is included with over 500 social studies entries. Each term contains audio for its definition as well as its...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
35,03 €
New Oxford Style Manual (Oxford University Press)
New Oxford Style Manual
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2012)
The New Oxford Style Manual brings together two essential reference works in a single volume. New Hart's Rules, Oxford's definite guide to style, consists of 20 chapters and gives authoritative and expert advice on how to prepare copy for publication. Topics covered include how to punctuate and hyphenate accurately, capitalization...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
25,26 €
Oxford ESL Dictionary + CD (2013 Edition) (Oxford University Press)
Oxford ESL Dictionary + CD (2013 Edition)
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2012)
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
15,90 €
Oxford School Dictionary and Thesaurus (2012 Edition) (Oxford University Press)
Oxford School Dictionary and Thesaurus (2012 Edition)
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2012)
The Oxford School Dictionary & Thesaurus combines a comprehensive dictionary at the top of the page with a companion thesaurus at the bottom, for the upper primary student moving into secondary school. The dictionary contains clear simple definitions, up-to-date example sentences, and support on spelling, grammar and punctuation. The thesaurus...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
8,50 €
Thinking about Language Teaching: Selected articles 1982-2011 (Oxford University Press)
Thinking about Language Teaching: Selected articles 1982-2011
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2012)
Contains eighteen academic and pedagogical articles and seven satirical pieces. Brings Michael Swan's best known and most widely cited articles together in a single book for the first time. This creates a unique and valuable resource both for people already familiar with these articles and for those discovering them through...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
39,42 €
Oxford Bookworms Club Ruby (Oxford University Press)
Oxford Bookworms Club Ruby
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2011)
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
5,52 €
New English File Upper-Intermediate iPack (Multi-licence) (Oxford University Press)
New English File Upper-Intermediate iPack (Multi-licence)
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2009)
New English File is now digital - the iPack has arrived...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
669,46 €
CAE Result! 2008 Edition iTools (Oxford University Press)
CAE Result! 2008 Edition iTools
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2008)
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
35,60 €
Oxford Take Off In French: Complete Kit (Oxford University Press)
Oxford Take Off In French: Complete Kit
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2008)
Oxford Take Off in French makes learning or brushing up on your French quick, easy, and fun. Follow an integrated course including activities and dialogues with native speakers so you can feel confident in day-to-day conversation. Advance from beginner to intermediate level in one integrated book and audio course. This...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
13,44 €
Revised Standard Version Catholic Bible (Oxford University Press)
Revised Standard Version Catholic Bible
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2008)
The Revised Standard Version dramatically shaped the course of English Bible translation work in the latter half of the Twentieth Century. It is still the translation used in official Church pronouncements, and serves as the basis for the scriptural text used in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. The Oxford...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
15,58 €
Solutions Elementary iTools (Oxford University Press)
Solutions Elementary iTools
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2008)
iTools Solutions Elementary je nástroj určený pre interaktívne tabule. Ako pomôcka slúži na integráciu posluchu, písania, čítania a počítania pri vyučovaní anglického jazyka na stredných školách pomocou učebnice a pracovného zošita Solutions Elementary.   Solutions je 5-úrovňový kurz pre teenegerov, ktorý sa zameriava na prípravu k maturite a skúškam, s podporou rozprávania...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
23,49 €
Solutions Pre-Intermediate iTools (Oxford University Press)
Solutions Pre-Intermediate iTools
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2008)
iTools Solutions Pre-Intermediate je nástroj určený pre interaktívne tabule. Ako pomôcka slúži na integráciu posluchu, písania, čítania a počítania pri vyučovaní anglického jazyka na stredných školách pomocou učebnice a pracovného zošita Solutions Pre-Intermediate.   Solutions je 5-úrovňový kurz pre teenegerov, ktorý sa zameriava na prípravu k maturite a skúškam, s podporou rozprávania...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
23,95 €
Take Off In GREEK 2e Book/CD Pack (Oxford University Press)
Take Off In GREEK 2e Book/CD Pack
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2008)
Oxford Take Off in Greek makes learning or brushing up on your Greek quick, easy, and fun. Follow an integrated course including activities and dialogues with native speakers so you can feel confident in day-to-day conversation. Advance from beginner to intermediate level in one integrated book and audio course....
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
21,54 €
Take Off In ITALIAN 3e Book/CD Pack (Oxford University Press)
Take Off In ITALIAN 3e Book/CD Pack
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2008)
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
18,33 €
Take Off In JAPANESE 2e Book/CD Pack (Oxford University Press)
Take Off In JAPANESE 2e Book/CD Pack
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2008)
Oxford Take Off in Japanese makes learning or brushing up on your Japanese quick, easy, and fun. Follow an integrated course including activities and dialogues with native speakers so you can feel confident in day-to-day conversation. Advance from beginner to intermediate level in one integrated book and audio course....
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
21,54 €
Take Off In RUSSIAN 2e Book/CD Pack (Oxford University Press)
Take Off In RUSSIAN 2e Book/CD Pack
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2008)
Oxford Take Off In Russian provides you with an innovative way of learning Russian. A clearly laid-out coursebook and audio content available as mp3 download and on CD give you the flexibility to learn in your own time, while at home or on the move. Oxford Take Off in...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
15,81 €
Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes (Oxford University Press)
Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2007)
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
8,70 €
Step Forward: Test Generator CD-ROM with ExamView(r) Assessment Suite (Oxford University Press)
46,07 €
Catholic Bible-RSV-Compact (Oxford University Press)
Catholic Bible-RSV-Compact
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2005)
The Revised Standard Version dramatically shaped the course of English Bible translation work in the latter half of the Twentieth Century. It is still the translation used in official Church pronouncements, and served as the basis for the scriptural text used in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Travelers, students...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
27,06 €
New Oxford Dictionary for Writers & Editors 1st Ed (Oxford University Press)
New Oxford Dictionary for Writers & Editors 1st Ed
Oxford University Press | Oxford University Press (2005)
The New Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors is the essential A-Z guide for everyone who works with words. Drawing on the expertise of the Oxford Dictionaries department, it provides authoritative advice on those words and names which raise questions time after time because of spelling, capitalization, hyphenation, or cultural...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
11,32 €

Naposledy prezerané Zrušiť históriu

Účetnictví 2016 (Oxford University Press)