Knihy od: Louisa May Alcott
Malé ženy
Stydlivá Bety, mírná Meg, přidrzlá Amy a odvážná Jo: Malé ženy v klasickém románu Louisy May Alcottové jsou čtyři sestry, které společně s jejich matkou očekávají návrat otce z války a zároveň prožívají každodenní radosti i starosti. Nemůžete si pomoci, ale musíte se vžít alespoň do jedné z nich, smát...
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Good Wives
Three years have passed since the events narrated in Little Women, and the four March sisters are approaching adulthood, with all its accompanying challenges and expectations. Meg is preparing for her wedding, Beth continues to struggle with her health, Jo is more than ever devoting herself to literature and Amy...
do 5 pracovných dní
Malé ženy
Kto sú „malé ženy“? Štyri dospievajúce sestry, romantická Meg, chlapčenská Jo, utiahnutá Betsy a miláčik rodiny Amy, ktoré statočne čelia životu, smútku za otcom, ktorý bojuje v občianskej vojne, biede, odriekaniu a každodenným starostiam o prežitie, za pomoci láskavej matky a priateľstva obetavého suseda, mladého gentlemana Laurieho. Rozdielnosť pováh a...
Little Men
Puffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every childRediscover the Puffin Classics collection and bring the best-loved classics to a new generation - including this charming edition of Little Men. With two young sons of her own, and twelve rescued orphan boys filling the unusual school at Plumfield,...
Little Men
"The small hopes and plans and pleasures of children should be tenderly respected by grown-up people, and never rudely thwarted or ridiculed"Spirited Jo March, now Mrs Bhaer, has settled into living and teaching at Plumfield boarding school, also home to a lively band of orphan boys. Jo's many pupils include...
Little Women
Discover our collectable Puffin Clothbound Classic edition of Little Women. Puffin Clothbound Classics are stunning collectable gift editions of some of the best-loved classics in the world - including this charming edition of Little Women.Christmas won''t be the same this year in the March household, with Father at war and Mother...
Penguin Readers Level 1: Little Women
Little Women is the story of a poor American family in the American Civil War. The four sisters, Beth, Jo, Meg and Amy are very different. But together they work hard and help their mother and father.Sometimes their lives are very happy, and sometimes they are very sad. But the...
Zrcadlová četba - Little Women (Malé ženy)
Jazyková úroveň B1-B2
Jazyková úroveň B1 - B2.Podle příběhu Louisy May Alcottové.
Jazyková úroveň B1 - B2.Podle příběhu Louisy May Alcottové.
Little Women: The Sisterhood
Including an introduction from writer and feminist activist Scarlett Curtis, curator of Sunday Times Bestseller Feminists Don't Wear Pink. Meet the March Sisters: * Meg is the eldest and on the brink of love. * Then there's tomboy Jo who longs to be a writer.* Sweet-natured Beth always puts others...
Little Women and Other Novels
This beautiful collectible edition presents three novels from one of the most loved American authors: Louisa May Alcott. It includes her most famous and cherished classic, Little Women, about the lives of four sisters in America during the Civil War, as well as the sequels, Little Men and Jos Boys.
Little Women
Kto sú „malé ženy”? Štyri dospievajúce sestry, romantická Meg, chlapčenská Jo, utiahnutá Betsy a miláčik rodiny Amy, ktoré statočne čelia životu, smútku za otcom bojujúcim v občianskej vojne, biede, odriekaniu a každodenným starostiam o existenciu, za pomoci láskavej matky a priateľstva mladého gentlemana Laurieho zo susedstva. Dievčatá obdivuhodne a väčšinou...
Little Women
Adapted as a major motion picture starring Timothee Chalamet, Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson and Meryl Streep.
Recognized as one of the best-loved classic children's stories of all time, Little Women is an utterly beguiling novel. Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold...