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Lewis, G.

Knihy od: Lewis, G.

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
Resource Books for Teachers - Teenagers (Lewis, G.)
Resource Books for Teachers - Teenagers
Lewis, G. | Oxford University Press (2007)
Provides advice and activities to make working with teenagers a rewarding and enriching experience. Teenagers encourages learners to notice how language works, promotes cultural awareness, develops creative thinking and problem-solving skills, and appeals to teenagers´ curiosity beyond the confines of media-driven popular culture. Name of Series: Resource Books for Teachers
Posielame do 10 dní
33,03 €*28,08 €
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Získate: 1,40 b.
Into the Classroom: Bringing Technology into the Classroom (Lewis, G.)
Into the Classroom: Bringing Technology into the Classroom
Lewis, G. | Oxford University Press (2009)
Describes and explains technologies in non-technical language. Provides tips on using interactive whiteboards. Includes a checklist of technology tools and suggestions for use. Instils confidence in selecting and applying technology in the classroom. Photocopiable worksheets to illustrate use of different technologies. Website includes interactive activities showing technology in action.
Bringing technology into the classroom jednoducho vysvetľuje ako používať celú škálu novej technológie. Učebnica je vhodná pre učiteľov anglického jazyka.   Výhody: Vedie čitateľa krok za krokom pomocou on-line a off-line nástrojov, napr. aplikácie spracovania textu, nástroje práce s interaktívnou tabuľou a na internet. Opisuje a vysvetľuje počítačovú technológiu v bežnom, netechnickom jazyku. Ponúka praktické nápady na triedne aktivity. Šetrí...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
9,38 €
Primary Resource Books for Teachers - Internet and Young Learners (Lewis, G.)
Primary Resource Books for Teachers - Internet and Young Learners
Lewis, G. | Oxford University Press (2004)
Organized according to topic area, and within each area by web search, communication, and web creation activities. This work gives guidance in creating a class website. It promotes communication with other classes around the world.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
17,10 €