Knihy od: Katee Robert
Oslnivý hřích (Temný Olymp 4)
Kasandra Gatakiová jako dcera padlého domu na vlastní kůži zažila, co člověku přinese důvěra v jedovatou Třináctku. Ale když ji okouzlující a laskavý Apollón požádá, aby s ním jela na tajnou misi jako jeho doprovod na týdenní oslavě pořádané nejnebezpečnějším novým politickým hráčem, Kasandra neochotně souhlasí, že mu bude krýt...
do 7 dní
Proradná kráska
Nikdy nebyla určena nám. V Olympu buď máte moc… nebo jste ovládáni. Achilles Kallis se možná narodil chudý, ale už v dětství si přísahal, že se vyškrábe až do jedovaté elity v centru města. Nyní se otevřela kýžená pozice, kterou může získat každý, kdo bude dostatečně silný. Turnaje se Achilles...
do 5 pracovných dní
Blood on the Tide
Set sail for adventure and love in the next spicy fantasy romance from Katee Robert, the New York Times bestselling author of the TikTok smash hit Neon Gods .As a bloodline vampire, Lizzie has never had a problem taking what she wants, and right now what she wants are the family...
do 5 pracovných dní
Court of the Vampire Queen (Collector's Edition)
All Mina ever wanted was to escape her father's control. Half human, half vampire, she lived eternally torn between two worlds, never fully experiencing the pleasures of either until her father chose her as the pawn in his latest political move, gifting her to the darkly powerful and dangerously seductive...
do 5 pracovných dní
Hunt On Dark Waters
Sail the high seas between worlds with this first book in a new sizzling fantasy romance series from the New York Times bestselling author of the TikTok smash-hit Neon Gods.'Sizzling chemistry... High stakes, taut pacing, and enticing characters' Publisher's Weekly on Neon GodsEvelyn is a witch with a perfect storm of bad impulses: terrible taste in...
do 5 pracovných dní
Midnight Ruin
*A scorchingly hot modern retelling of Eurydice and Orpheus and Charon.*Eurydice Dimitriou has always been the innocent sister, but she's finally ready to step out of the long shadow cast by her powerful family...and the ex who shattered her heart. Perhaps rough hands on soft skin are exactly what she...
do 5 pracovných dní
Midnight Ruin (Dark Olympus #6)
A scorchingly hot modern retelling of Orpheus and Eurydice and Charon, from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author.
"You held her carelessly and shattered her. I won't make the same mistake."
Eurydice Dimitriou has always been the innocent sister, but she's finally ready to step out of the long shadow cast by her powerful...
do 3 pracovných dní
Hunt On Dark Waters
Sail the high seas between worlds with this first book in a new fantasy romance series from Katee Robert, the New York Times bestselling author of the TikTok smash-hit Neon Gods.'Sizzling chemistry . . . High stakes, taut pacing, and enticing characters' Publisher's Weekly on Neon GodsEvelyn is a witch...
do 5 pracovných dní
Jiskřivý idol
V ultramoderním městě Olymp se za všechno platí. Psyché Dimitriouová věděla, že se Afroditě nakonec bude muset postavit, ale nikdy by nečekala, že půjde doslova o její srdce – ani že Afrodita nařídí svému pohlednému synovi, aby jí vlastnoručně uštědřil smrtící ránu.
Erotovi nevadí prolévat krev. Matka si z něj vychovala...
do 7 dní
Blood on the Tide
Sail the high seas with the second book in this sizzling fantasy romance from the New York Times bestselling author Katee Robert, TikTok sensation and author of Neon Gods.Set sail for adventure and love in the next spicy fantasy romance from Katee Robert, the New York Times bestselling author of...
Court of the Vampire Queen
Three Powerfully Alluring Vampire MenAnd One Queen to Rule Them AllAll Mina ever wanted was to escape her father's control. Half human, half vampire, she lived eternally torn between two worlds, never fully experiencing the pleasures of either-until her father chose her as the pawn in his latest political move,...
Cruel Seduction
He was my enemy. My lover. My husband.And the one man I swore by all Olympus I would destroy.
*A scorchingly hot modern retelling of Aphrodite and Hephaestus (and Pandora and Adonis).
*Aphrodite has never flinched at getting her perfectly manicured hands dirty, and she's not about to start now-even if that...
Radiant Sin
There's nowhere more dangerous than Olympus...and no one more captivating than its golden god: Apollo. Keeper of secrets, master of his shining realm...and the only man I am powerless to deny.
*A scorchingly hot modern retelling of Apollo and Cassandra that's as sinful as it is sweet.*
As a disgraced member of...
Electric Idol
He was the most beautiful man in Olympus.And if I wasn't careful, he was going to be my death.*A scorchingly hot modern retelling of Psyche and Eros that's as sinful as it is sweet.*In the ultra-modern city of Olympus, there's always a price to pay. Psyche Dimitriou knew she'd have...
The Dragon´s Bride
Briar Rose might have a name out of a storybook, but she learned at a very young age that no prince was coming to save her. She’ll have to save herself.Unfortunately, even that is an impossible task in her current situation—trapped in a terrifying marriage to a dangerous man.Desperate times...
Wicked Beauty
In Olympus, you either have the power to rule...or you are ruled. Achilles Kallis may have been born with nothing, but as a child he vowed he would claw his way into the poisonous city's inner circle. Now that a coveted role has opened to anyone with the strength to...
Neon Gods
He was supposed to be a myth. But from the moment I crossed the River Styx and fell under his dark spell...he was, quite simply, mine.*A scorchingly hot modern retelling of Hades and Persephone that's as sinful as it is sweet.*Society darling Persephone Dimitriou plans to flee the ultra-modern city...