Knihy od: Jean-Francois Marmion
Psychológia stupidity
Konečne niekto vysvetlil stupiditu! A boli to jedni z najmúdrejších ľudí sveta, medzi ktorých patria Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely, Alison Gopniková, Howard Gardner, Antonio Damasio, Aaron James či Ryan Holiday.Preto vyhlasujem, idioti všetkých zemí a hlupáci všetkých druhov, toto je vaša chvíľka slávy: táto kniha hovorí len a len o...
na sklade
The Psychology of Stupidity
The Number One International bestseller'We need books like this one' - psychologist Steven Pinker At last, stupidity explained!
And by some of the world's smartest people, among them Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely, Alison Gopnik, Howard Gardner, Antonio Damasio, Aaron James and Ryan Holiday. Stupidity is all around us, from the colleagues...
The Psychology of Stupidity
The #1 International bestseller'We need books like this one'Steven PinkerAt last, stupidity explained! And by some of the world's smartest people, among them Daniel Kahneman, Dan Ariely, Alison Gopnik, Howard Gardner, Antonio Damasio, Aaron James and Ryan Holiday. Stupidity is all around us, from the colleagues who won't stop hitting...