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Inio Asano

Knihy od: Inio Asano

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
Solanin 2 (Inio Asano)
Solanin 2
Inio Asano | Albatros Media a.s. (máj, 2022) CS jazyk
Meiko a její přátelé se musí vyrovnat se situací, která jim obrátila život vzhůru nohama. Vší silou podporují jeden druhého, ale bude to stačit, když je stále více pohlcuje realita všedního života? Naštěstí tu však jsou noví hudební nadšenci. Tak co vzít do ruky kytaru, postavit se před publikum a ještě...
Posielame do 3 pracovných dní
13,99 €*10,89 €
Goodnight Punpun Vol. 1 (Inio Asano)
Goodnight Punpun Vol. 1
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2016) EN jazyk
A dark coming-of-age tale where slice-of-life slices back. This is Punpun Onodera’s coming-of-age story. His parents’ marriage is falling apart. His dad goes to jail, and his mom goes to the hospital. He has to live with his loser uncle. He has a crush on a girl who lives in...
Posielame do 5 pracovných dní
23,77 €*17,23 €
Město světel (Inio Asano)
Město světel
Inio Asano | Seqoy (2010) CS jazyk
Mesto svetiel je normálne japonskej sídliska. Jeho obyvatelia pracujú, zabávajú sa, chodia do školy, žijú a umierajú. Vlastne, poslednou dobou skutočne skôr umierajú, pretože počet samovrážd je tu neúmerne vysoký. Skrýva snáď toto prívetivé sídliska bez ohľadu na svoje meno nejaké temné tajomstvo? Inio Asano sa v "Meste svetiel" prikláňa...
Posielame do 5 pracovných dní
10,91 €*8,87 €
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 11 (Inio Asano)
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 11
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2022) EN jazyk
It's just an everyday apocalypse.Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again. But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary.Wow, it's the end of the world! Everyone is so screwed...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
16,08 €
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 10 (Inio Asano)
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 10
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2021)
It's just an everyday apocalypse.Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again. But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary.Huge chunks of the mother ship are starting to crash into Tokyo, leveling whole neighborhoods. The Japanese government is ready to nope out...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
16,08 €
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 9 (Inio Asano)
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 9
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2021) EN jazyk
It's just an everyday apocalypse.Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo.Nothing was ever the same again.But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary.Oba and Makoto are lurking in Oran's memories from an alternative timeline where she and Kadode simultaneously save the earth and ruin their lives. When...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
16,54 €
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 8 (Inio Asano)
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 8
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2020)
It's just an everyday apocalypse.Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo.Nothing was ever the same again.But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary.The Occult Club's trip to the seaside has been a great chance for Kadode and her friends to unwind from the dual stresses of college...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
16,54 €
Solanin 1 (Inio Asano)
Solanin 1
Inio Asano | Egmont (január, 2022) CS jazyk
Když Meiko s partnerem a většinou přátel ukončila univerzitu, nebyla zdaleka připravena na vstup do společnosti. Jsou shrbená záda v bledé záři monitoru její jedinou budoucností? Stává se člověk dospělým, teprve když položí sny na oltář korporátní politiky? Meiko a její blízcí se nadechnou k poslednímu výkřiku svobody: natočení nahrávky,...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
9,33 €
20th Century Boys 4 (Inio Asano)
20th Century Boys 4
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2019) EN jazyk
A deluxe bind-up edition of Naoki Urasawa's award-winning epic of doomsday cults, giant robots and a group of friends trying to save the world from destruction!Humanity, having faced extinction at the end of the 20th century, would not have entered the new millennium if it weren't for them. In 1969,...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
25,66 €
20th Century Boys 5 (Inio Asano)
20th Century Boys 5
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2019) EN jazyk
A deluxe bind-up edition of Naoki Urasawa's award-winning epic of doomsday cults, giant robots and a group of friends trying to save the world from destruction!Humanity, having faced extinction at the end of the 20th century, would not have entered the new millennium if it weren't for them. In 1969,...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
25,65 €
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 4 (Inio Asano)
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 4
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2019) EN jazyk
It's just an everyday apocalypse.Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again. But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary.Despite the ongoing menace of wild Invaders and A-ray contamination, people are still moving to Tokyo to find opportunities and themselves. After all,...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
15,16 €
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 5 (Inio Asano)
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 5
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2019)
It's just an everyday apocalypse.Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again. But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary.Private companies have been rushing to prove their worth in the Invader containment efforts, and their confirmed kill rates are starting to rival...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
15,16 €
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 7 (Inio Asano)
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 7
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2019)
It's just an everyday apocalypse.Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again. But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary.International relations are crumbling as the hotheaded American president demands that the Japanese government share what they know about Invader technology. But the...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
12,78 €
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 1 (Inio Asano)
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 1
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2018)
It's just an everyday apocalypse. Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again. But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary. The Japanese Self Defense Forces are still looking for a way to combat the looming alien threat three years after the...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
14,94 €
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 3 (Inio Asano)
Dead Dead Demon´s Dededede Destruction 3
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2018)
It's just an everyday apocalypse.Three years ago the aliens invaded Tokyo. Nothing was ever the same again.But after a while, even impending doom starts to feel ordinary.The defense business is booming in Japan, and the amazing Hyujin weapons are finally getting their chance to shine. But civilians are fed up...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
20,71 €
Solanin 1 (Inio Asano)
Solanin 1
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2018)
College graduates struggle to cope with the real world. Music offers refuge in this modern manga with an American attitude.Meiko Inoue is a recent college grad working as an office lady in a job she hates. Her boyfriend Shigeo is permanently crashing at her apartment because his job as a...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
25,66 €
Goodnight Punpun 7 (Inio Asano)
Goodnight Punpun 7
Inio Asano | Viz Media (2017) EN jazyk
This is Punpun Onodera's coming-of-age story. His parents' marriage is falling apart. His dad goes to jail and his mom goes to the hospital.   He has to live with his loser uncle. He has a crush on a girl who lives in a weird cult. Punpun tries talking with God about...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
10,65 €