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Felicity Brooks

Knihy od: Felicity Brooks

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
Poličy do 100 / Počítej do 100 (ukrajinsky) (Felicity Brooks)
Poličy do 100 / Počítej do 100 (ukrajinsky)
Felicity Brooks | KNIGOLOVE (2022)
I velké počítání začíná vždycky od jedničky!Jeden kulatý měsíc, dva malí pejsci, tři červené autobusy, čtyři zvláštní domečky... Díky této velkoformátové publikaci s roztomilými ilustracemi je počítání do sta zábava. Děti na každé stránce najdou nejrůznější tvory i věci: kočky, auta, květiny, zpěvné ptáky, třpytivé hvězdy nebo třeba kapky deště....
Posielame do 3 pracovných dní
12,99 €*10,11 €
All about Feelings (Felicity Brooks)
All about Feelings
Felicity Brooks | Usborne Publishing (2019) EN jazyk
How are you feeling today? This lively and engaging exploration of emotions helps young children learn to answer this important question.   Topics covered include learning to describe feelings, how your feelings can change, and being kind to yourself. There are helpful notes for grown-ups at the back too and links to...
Posielame do 2-4 týždňov
12,95 €*10,21 €
Fingerwiggly Monkeys (Felicity Brooks)
Fingerwiggly Monkeys
Felicity Brooks | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2021) EN jazyk
Little children and their grown-ups can stick their fingers through the holes to become the arms of big and little monkey and tell a simple story.   Little monkey learns to reach for a juicy mango to eat, swings through the jungle, and finds a leaf to shelter from the rain before...
Posielame do 2-4 týždňov
First Encyclopedia (Felicity Brooks)
First Encyclopedia
Felicity Brooks | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2010)
An ideal book for children with lots of questions about the world we live in, such as 'Why is the night dark?'   'What is snow?' and 'What is under the sea?' This charming encyclopedia is full of simple, easy-to-read text and lively, detailed illustrations, introducing young readers to the basic concepts...
Posielame do 2-4 týždňov
15,34 €*12,85 €
The Rhyming Alphabet (Felicity Brooks)
The Rhyming Alphabet
Felicity Brooks | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2022) EN jazyk
A lively cast of characters from aardvarks to zebras decide to disrupt and rewrite an alphabet book to make it more fun. Rhyming text and appealing illustrations combine perfectly to bring the story of big blue bear, elegant eel, fabulous flamingo, snazzy snail and talented toucan to life as each...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
13,77 €
Book and Jigsaw Numbers (Felicity Brooks)
Book and Jigsaw Numbers
Felicity Brooks | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2021)
This delightful book and jigsaw is an ideal way to introduce the numbers 1-10. The bright, appealing illustrations provide plenty of opportunities for counting, helping children understand the link between numbers and quantities, and the large, clear text supports the development of number recognition skills.   Táto nádherná kniha a skladačka je...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
13,77 €
Count to Ten and Back Again (Felicity Brooks)
Count to Ten and Back Again
Felicity Brooks | Usborne Publishing Ltd (2021) EN jazyk
A fun counting book with rhyming text and big flaps to lift.Buzz, buzz, buzz. What can that be? Can you find one buzzy bee?' Little children can learn to count to 10 by lifting the flaps of this appealing board book to find one bee, two croaking frogs, three splashing...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
10,21 €
Illustrated Alphabet (Felicity Brooks)
Illustrated Alphabet
Felicity Brooks | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2021) EN jazyk
A rollicking romp through the alphabet with a different letter and animal on each beautifully illustrated page. With zoo animals from angry alpacas and furious foxes to wild wombats and zebras from Zambia, this is the perfect way to help children learn alphabetical order and remember letter shapes and sounds.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
13,77 €
Až budu velká holka (Felicity Brooks)
Až budu velká holka
Felicity Brooks | Svojtka § Co., s.r.o. (december, 2016) CS jazyk
Tato kniha o dospívání pro dívky přináší přátelským a otevřeným stylem odpovědi na všechny zásadní otázky, jež holky v pubertě nejvíce "pálí".
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
8,49 €
Everyday Words English Flashcards (Felicity Brooks)
Everyday Words English Flashcards
Felicity Brooks | Usborne Publishing EN jazyk
A great learning resource for young children, with 50 flashcards to help children master simple vocabulary. The cards can be used to play games, for self-testing, or simply be propped up around the house or classroom as useful reminders.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,61 €
U sviti čysel (Felicity Brooks)
U sviti čysel
There are hundreds of fascinating facts to discover in this journey through the wonderful world of numbers. How many hearts does an octopus have? Why is the number 9 lucky in China and how many people have walked on the moon? With delightful illustrations and a page of facts for...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
12,85 €
All the Words You Need to Know Before You Start School (Felicity Brooks)
All the Words You Need to Know Before You Start School
Felicity Brooks | Usborne Publishing (2019) EN jazyk
This delightful book is the perfect way for little ones to improve spoken language skills before they start school.   Each page is filled with words to learn, covering everything from shapes, colours and numbers to animals, weather and classroom objects. A friendly book for adults and children to share, read and...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
10,21 €
Tales of King Arthur/Král Artuš (Felicity Brooks)
Tales of King Arthur/Král Artuš
Felicity Brooks | Ing. Stanislav Soják - INFOA (2009) CS jazyk
Zrcadlová četba pro mírně pokročilé.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
9,78 €
Anglické vety na každý deň (Felicity Brooks)
Anglické vety na každý deň
Felicity Brooks | Slovenské pedagogické nakladatelstvo - M (2007) SK jazyk
Praktický anglický detský ilustrovaný slovník. Zoradený je abecedne a každé heslo je ilustrované obľúbenými vymodelovanými postavičkami, zvieratkami, hračkami atď. Každé heslo obsahuje anglické slovo, jeho slovenský preklad, výslovnosť a príklad v anglickej vete. Okrem toho obsahuje témy: farby, tvary, čísla, dni, mesiace, ročné obdobia a rodina. Deti, ktoré už majú...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,93 €
Velká dětská encyklopedie (Felicity Brooks)
Velká dětská encyklopedie
Felicity Brooks | Svojtka § Co., s.r.o. (2003) CS jazyk
Táto encyklopédia vám ponúka cez 1500 nádherných fotografií, ilustrácií a grafov doplnených radom informácií. Prináša školákom najaktuálnejšie informácie o stovkách predmetov, mapy sveta a vlajky všetkých štátov, fakty a rekordy.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
13,38 €