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Ellis, R.

Knihy od: Ellis, R.

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
Oxford Introduction to Language Study - Second Language Acquisition (Ellis, R.)
Oxford Introduction to Language Study - Second Language Acquisition
Ellis, R. | Oxford University Press (1997)
In the age of the global village and the world wide web, understanding the way in which people learn languages is of ever increasing importance. This book makes the essentials of this rapidly expanding area of study accessible to readers encountering it for the first time.
Posielame do 10 dní
23,81 €*20,24 €
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Získate: 1,01 b.
OAL The Study of Second Language Acquisition, 2nd Ed (Ellis, R.)
OAL The Study of Second Language Acquisition, 2nd Ed
Ellis, R. | Oxford University Press (2008)
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
39,42 €
Oxford Applied Linguistics: Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching (Ellis, R.)
Oxford Applied Linguistics: Task-Based Language Learning and Teaching
Ellis, R. | Oxford University Press (2003)
This book explores the relationship between research, teaching, and tasks, and seeks to clarify the issues raised by recent work in this field. The book shows how research and task-based teaching can mutually inform each other and illuminate the areas of task-based course design, methodology, and assessment. The author brings...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
39,42 €
Oxford Applied Linguistics - SLA Research and Language Teaching (Ellis, R.)
Oxford Applied Linguistics - SLA Research and Language Teaching
Ellis, R. | Oxford University Press (1997)
This book presents SLA research as a source of specifications for teachers to explore in their own classrooms. The author sees the four main roles of SLA researchers as developing relevant theories, conducting their own classroom research, making research accessible to teachers, and facilitating action research. Each chapter addresses a...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
24,- €
Oxford Applied Linguistics - Understanding Second Language Acquisition (Ellis, R.)
Oxford Applied Linguistics - Understanding Second Language Acquisition
Ellis, R. | Oxford University Press (1985)
Rod Ellis provides readers with a comprehensive review of this important area of applied linguistics. He does not take up a particular stance, but examines different theories of second language acquisition and the critical reactions to them. Winner BAAL Book Prize
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
24,- €