Knihy od: Donna Tartt
Tajný príbeh
Strhujúci debut autorky svetového bestsellera Stehlík. Úprimná spoveď hlavného hrdinu Richarda Papena, ktorý sa v spomienkach vracia do svojich študentských rokov na malej vermontskej univerzite, kde našiel taký životný štýl, po akom vždy túžil - prenikne do skupiny bohatých a svetáckych študentov, ktorých si charizmatický profesor klasických jazykov vybral do...
do 3 pracovných dní
The Goldfinch
WINNER OF THE PULITZER PRIZE FOR FICTIONTheo Decker, aged thirteen, is left alone in the world after surviving a catastrophe that kills his only close relative - his mother - and tears him away from everything he knows. Tormented by grief, drifting from home to home, he grows increasingly obsessed...
The Little Friend
A beautiful new limited edition paperback of The Little Friend, published as part of the Bloomsbury Modern Classics listThe sunlit rails gleamed like dark mercury, arteries branching out silver from the switch points; the old telegraph poles were shaggy with kudzu and Virginia creeper and, above them, rose the water tower,...
The Little Friend
Twelve-year-old Harriet is doing her best to grow up, which is not easy as her mother is permanently on medication, her father has silently moved to another city, and her serene sister rarely notices anything. All of them are still suffering from the shocking and mysterious death of her brother...