Knihy od: Dolly Alderton
Všetko, čo viem o láske
Autobiografická kniha britskej novinárky, spisovateľky a autorky stĺpčeka v The Sunday Times Dolly Alderton prináša úprimnú výpoveď o slastiach a strastiach moderného randenia. S humorom opisuje svoje zážitky ̶ od prvých schôdzok a fascinácie chalanmi počas štúdia na dievčenskej škole až po divoké roky v Londýne. A ako sama napokon...
do 3 pracovných dní
Everything I Know About Love
Everything I Know About Love is an internationally bestselling memoir by journalist and former Sunday Times columnist Dolly Alderton, packed with humor, heart, and insight. In this candid and often hilarious reflection on growing up, Alderton shares her adventures in love, loss, friendships, and self-discovery. From awkward dates to the...
do 3 pracovných dní
Good Material
From the bestselling author of Ghosts and Everything I Know About Love: a story of heartbreak and friendship and how to survive both.'Alderton's voice feels like your very favourite friend' Taylor Jenkins-Reid, praise for Ghosts'Wise, funny, tender and true, sharply-observed and utterly hilarious. Dolly Alderton's talent is phenomenal' Elizabeth Day,...
do 5 pracovných dní
Dear Dolly
'Alderton is Nora Ephron for the millennial generation' Elizabeth Day 'What I learnt from sharing my most private pain with a semi-professional problem-solver was that the mere act of asking for help was, in itself, healing. It was as if I had crept down to the docks under cover of...
do 5 pracovných dní
Good Material
A Love Story with Two Endings: A Novel by Dolly Alderton
Andy loved Jen. Jen loved Andy. But now, Andy can't figure out why she stopped.
Now, Andy is adrift without a home, waiting for his stand-up career to take off, and questioning why everyone around him seems to have grown up...
Good Material
'Leaves you heartsore but happier. Irresistible' RICHARD E. GRANT'Wise and relatable and pee-your-pants funny... Dolly Alderton is, quite simply, the bard of modern day love' LENA DUNHAM---Every relationship has one beginning.This one has two endings.Andy loves Jen. Jen loved Andy.And he can't work out why she stopped.Now he is. ....
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER'A poignant, funny tale of early-thirties love and loss' Sunday Times
Nina Dean has arrived at her early thirties as a successful food writer with loving friends and family, plus a new home and neighbourhood. When she meets Max, a beguiling romantic hero who tells her on date...
***The first novel from the award-winning, bestselling author of Everything I Know About Love***'Wise, funny, tender and true, sharply-observed and utterly hilarious. Dolly Alderton's talent is phenomenal' Elizabeth Day __________________________________________________Nina Dean has arrived at her early thirties as a successful food writer with loving friends and family, plus a new...
Vše, co vím o lásce
Pokud jde o slasti a strasti doby, kdy se člověk stává opravdu dospělým, novinářka a bývalá autorka sloupku o randění v Sunday Times Dolly Alderton viděla a vyzkoušela všechno. Ve svých memoárech živě vypráví o tom, jak se zamilovala, jak bojovala se sabotováním sebe sama, jak hledala práci, jak uspořádala...