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Caroline Young

Knihy od: Caroline Young

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
Módní kmeny (Caroline Young)
Módní kmeny
Caroline Young | SLOVART, s.r.o. NAKLADATELSTVí (september, 2017) CS jazyk
Jedinečná publikácia prináša prehľad módnych smerov a štýlov mladých ľudí za uplynulých sto rokov. V knihe sa dozviete, aké oblečenie je typické pre subkultúry, či už pre teddy boys, hippies alebo punk, a aké sú ich korene. Sleduje vývoj od emancipovaných tanečníc charlestonu cez swingujúcu mládež, mods, rockerov, hippies, pankáčov...
Posielame do 5 pracovných dní
15,83 €*12,86 €
Little First Stickers - Wildflowers (Caroline Young)
Little First Stickers - Wildflowers
Caroline Young | Usborne Publishing (2023) EN jazyk
Wildflowers are not only beautiful, they are of vital importance in providing food for bees and other pollinators. And they are found everywhere - in meadows, woodlands, jungles, mountains, deserts, grasslands and even in towns and cities. This fabulously illustrated book showcases dozens of different species with over 130 flower...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,70 €
Usborne Workbooks Comprehension 6 - 7 (Caroline Young)
Usborne Workbooks Comprehension 6 - 7
Caroline Young | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2022) EN jazyk
Guided by friendly jungle animals, children can develop their comprehension skills through a variety of enjoyable activities.    This workbook will build confidence in reading and writing, including writing a letter, story or summary, and finding information in a text.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
5,96 €
Usborne Workbooks Comprehension 7 - 8 (Caroline Young)
Usborne Workbooks Comprehension 7 - 8
Caroline Young | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2022) EN jazyk
The enjoyable and accessible activities in this workbook help children develop comprehension and writing skills, from understanding recipes, lists, diaries, poems and posters to interpreting instructions and using information books. Friendly animal characters illustrated by talented Italian artist Elisa Paganelli gently guide children through each task.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
5,96 €
Usborne Workbooks Comprehension 8 - 9 (Caroline Young)
Usborne Workbooks Comprehension 8 - 9
Caroline Young | Usborne Publishing Ltd. (2022) EN jazyk
With the help of Peck the woodpecker and a host of forest friends, children can develop their comprehension skills.   The activities in this book build confidence in reading and understanding written English, including stories, poems, adverts, instructions and letters. Beautifully illustrated by Magda Brol.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
5,96 €
First Sticker Book Princesses (Caroline Young)
First Sticker Book Princesses
Caroline Young | Usborne Publishing (2021) EN jazyk
Join the princesses for a busy day around the castle, as they walk in the gardens, have a tea party, get ready for the ball and dance under glittering chandeliers. With over 200 stickers to choose from, children can use their creativity and imagination to complete each colourful scene.
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
6,70 €