Knihy od: Andrea Bartz
Nikdy sme tu neboli
Strhujúci príbeh dvoch kamarátok, ktoré sa každoročne vydávajú spolu na dobrodružné dovolenky, spája v sebe exotiku, napätie aj fantastickú atmosféru bláznivého kolotoča udalostí.
Pre tohtoročnú dovolenku si Kristen s Emily vybrali majestátne hory v Čile. Dej sa zamotáva, akonáhle Emily nájde kamarátku v hotelovej izbe s mŕtvym chlapcom, ktorý má rozbitú...
na sklade
We Were Never Here
Emily is on holiday with her best friend, Kristen, in the stunning mountains of Chile. They're having the time of their lives until, on the last night of the trip, Emily enters their hotel suite to find it covered in blood.Kristen claims a backpacker attacked her. She shouted, but no-one...
We Were Never Here
On holiday in Chile with her best friend Kristen, Emily is having the time of her life.Until one night, she finds their hotel suite covered in blood.Kristen claims a backpacker attacked her. She shouted, but no-one heard. She struggled, but he was too strong.She had no option but to kill...