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A. Cole

Knihy od: A. Cole

Dostupnosť: Zoradenie:
Beyond A1+ Student's Book + webcode - učebnica (R. Cambell, R. Metcalf, R.R. Benne, A. Harvey, A. Cole, D. Corp, A. Hearn)
Beyond A1+ Student's Book + webcode - učebnica
Učebnica Beyond A1+ Student's Book s prístupovým kódom k online podpore  Resource Centres pre žiakov a študentov (Students Book Pack).   Novinka z vydavateľstva Macmillan Education pre tínedžerov je kurz Beyond. Kurz je rozdelený podľa súčasných požiadaviek SERR na šesť dielov, od A1+ až po B2 a je vhodný aj na prípravu na medzinárodné...
Posielame do 3 pracovných dní
17,80 €*15,13 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 0,76 b.
Optimise B2 Student's Book pack (A. Cole, A. Bandis, P. Reilly, P. Smith, M. Mann, S. Taylore-Knowles)
Optimise B2 Student's Book pack
Optimise is a comprehensive, four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. Optimise will comprehensively prepare students for all of those exams, and it follows the high standards set by the highly successful Macmillan Laser series. The Optimise series includes the following print...
Posielame do 3 pracovných dní
26,70 €*22,70 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 1,14 b.
Optimise B1+ Student's Book pack (A. Cole, A. Bandis, P. Reilly, M. Mann, S. Taylore-Knowles)
Optimise B1+ Student's Book pack
Optimise is a comprehensive, four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. Optimise will comprehensively prepare students for all of those exams, and it follows the high standards set by the highly successful Macmillan Laser series. The Optimise series includes the following print...
Posielame do 5 pracovných dní
26,70 €*22,70 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 1,14 b.
Optimise B1+ Workbook with a key (A. Cole, A. Bandis, P. Reilly, M. Mann, S. Taylore-Knowles)
Optimise B1+ Workbook with a key
Optimise is a comprehensive, four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. Optimise will comprehensively prepare students for all of those exams, and it follows the high standards set by the highly successful Macmillan Laser series. The Optimise series includes the following print...
Posielame do 3 pracovných dní
17,20 €*14,62 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 0,73 b.
Optimise B1 Student's Book pack (A. Cole, A. Bandis, P. Reilly, S. Taylore-Knowles)
Optimise B1 Student's Book pack
Optimise is a comprehensive, four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. Optimise will comprehensively prepare students for all of those exams, and it follows the high standards set by the highly successful Macmillan Laser series. The Optimise series includes the following print...
Posielame do 3 pracovných dní
26,70 €*22,70 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 1,14 b.
Optimise B1 Teacher's Book pack (A. Cole, A. Bandis, P. Reilly, S. Taylore-Knowles)
Optimise B1 Teacher's Book pack
Optimise is a comprehensive, four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. Optimise will comprehensively prepare students for all of those exams, and it follows the high standards set by the highly successful Macmillan Laser series. The Optimise series includes the following print...
Posielame do 10 dní
45,40 €*38,59 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 1,93 b.
Optimise B1 Workbook with key (pracovný zošit s kľúčom) (A. Cole, A. Bandis, P. Reilly, S. Taylore-Knowles)
Optimise B1 Workbook with key (pracovný zošit s kľúčom)
Optimise úroveň B1 pracovný zošit so správnymi odpoveďami. Workbook with answer key. Optimise is a comprehensive, four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. Optimise will comprehensively prepare students for all of those exams, and it follows the high standards set by the highly...
Posielame do 10 dní
17,20 €*14,62 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 0,73 b.
Optimise B1+ Teacher's Book pack (A. Cole, A. Bandis, P. Reilly, S. Taylore-Knowles)
Optimise B1+ Teacher's Book pack
Optimise is a comprehensive, four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. Optimise will comprehensively prepare students for all of those exams, and it follows the high standards set by the highly successful Macmillan Laser series. The Optimise series includes the following print...
Posielame do 10 dní
47,60 €*40,46 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 2,02 b.
Optimise B2 Teacher's Book pack (A. Cole, A. Bandis, P. Smith, M. Mann, S. Taylore-Knowles, Reilly, P.)
Optimise B2 Teacher's Book pack
Optimise is a comprehensive, four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. Optimise will comprehensively prepare students for all of those exams, and it follows the high standards set by the highly successful Macmillan Laser series. The Optimise series includes the following print...
Posielame do 10 dní
47,60 €*40,46 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 2,02 b.
Optimise B2 Workbook w/k (A. Cole, A. Bandis, P. Reilly, P. Smith, M. Mann, S. Taylore-Knowles)
Optimise B2 Workbook w/k
Optimise is a comprehensive, four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. Optimise will comprehensively prepare students for all of those exams, and it follows the high standards set by the highly successful Macmillan Laser series. The Optimise series includes the following print...
Posielame do 10 dní
17,20 €*14,62 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 0,73 b.
High Note 1 Teacher's Book - metodická príručka (A. Cole)
High Note 1 Teacher's Book - metodická príručka
A. Cole | Longman (2019) EN jazyk
Standard Pack - Študentská kniha s online pracovným zošitom a extra digitálnymi aktivitami   High Note je učebnica určená pre ambicióznych študentov – okrem komplexných znalostí angličtiny ich vybaví kompetenciami potrebnými pre ich osobný aj budúci pracovný život. Učebnica dokáže študentov inšpirovať a ponúknuť im výzvy, vďaka ktorým budú schopní dosiahnuť svoje ciele. Celkom prirodzene...
Posielame do 2-4 týždňov
47,14 €*40,05 €
High Note 3 Teacher's Book - metodická príručka (A. Cole)
High Note 3 Teacher's Book - metodická príručka
A. Cole | Longman (2019) EN jazyk
High Note je učebnica určená pre ambicióznych študentov – okrem komplexných znalostí angličtiny ich vybaví kompetenciami potrebnými pre ich osobný aj budúci pracovný život. Učebnica dokáže študentov inšpirovať a ponúknuť im výzvy, vďaka ktorým budú schopní dosiahnuť svoje ciele. Celkom prirodzene ich prevedie zo sveta školských povinností do sveta mladých dospelých...
Posielame do 2-4 týždňov
47,14 €*40,05 €
Optimise B2 Student's Book Premium pack (A. Cole, A. Bandis, P. Reilly, P. Smith, M. Mann, S. Taylore-Knowles)
Optimise B2 Student's Book Premium pack
The Student's Book Premium Pack comprises the print Student's Book, together with a code for the eBook (a PDF version of the Student's Book with audio) and an access code for the Student's Resource Centre, where downloadable audio, videos and worksheets are available as well as access to the Online...
Posielame do 5 pracovných dní
40,80 €*34,68 €
Pridať do košíka
Získate: 1,73 b.
Optimise B1+ Workbook wo/k (A. Cole, A. Bandis, P. Reilly, M. Mann, S. Taylore-Knowles)
Optimise B1+ Workbook wo/k
Optimise is a comprehensive, four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. Optimise will comprehensively prepare students for all of those exams, and it follows the high standards set by the highly successful Macmillan Laser series. The Optimise series includes the following print...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
13,94 €
Optimise B2 Workbook wo/k (A. Cole, A. Bandis, P. Reilly, P. Smith, M. Mann, S. Taylore-Knowles)
Optimise B2 Workbook wo/k
Optimise is a comprehensive, four-level exam preparation course designed to take students from A2 level right through to B2. Optimise will comprehensively prepare students for all of those exams, and it follows the high standards set by the highly successful Macmillan Laser series. The Optimise series includes the following print...
Dostupnosť: Vypredané
12,41 €